Thursday, July 21, 2011

Living at Home

Hey everyone,

Just letting you know how much I miss you all. Work is great and I love it, but I can't wait to get back to finish my degree. I'm just ready to be done (that hasn't changed much!)

How are you all doing?
Andrea - how's married life?
Chrissy - how's graduated life?
Jen - how's the store?
Katie - how's work?
Kelley - how was India?
Tali - how was Europe?

Not much has changed with me. My internship has been extended so I can continue research/work meaning I can quit the tutoring center. It's a lot of fun and i find it funny how secretive I have to be about some of the things I'm working on even though it's not new technology. Alex got a scholarship for getting his credential and becoming a math teacher.

That's all for me, hope you're all having as much fun as I am this summer!
