Saturday, December 18, 2010

Miss you girls already!!

'Tis the lone pretty woman, living in this big ol' house by myself! Kelley and her mom left this morning... I sleepily got out of bed to give Kelley a nice, morning breath-scented hug. It made me a little sad, but then all feelings of nostalgia were quickly forgotten when I discovered the fudge she left in the fridge... MMM THANKS KEL AND MOMMA Z!! (kidding... I still really miss you all) Also... thanks for cleaning the house K and mom! Wow... looks amazing.

Jenny- I was thinking about you the other day as I was walking around campus on my final day- remembering how you said that you started getting all nostalgic for SSU- it happened to me! It seemed like everywhere I went that last day, I was remembering specific events that had happened at spots all over SSU. I know I'm not going far right now, but the fact remains that this is another very transitional period in my life. No more obligations to school... guess that means that I finally do have to make my own plans. I just can't shake the feeling that the first night of Freshman year, playing Apples to Apples with Kelley and our other roommates, drunk upperclassmen crashing our get-together, wasn't just yesterday. The memories are still clear as day!

I'm at a point where I'm not really nervous about the future- I think I'm more excited because the possibilities seem very wide-open right now. It's up to me to make my life something I'm excited about.

Things I'm excited about in the immediate future:
1) going to see Chris' mom in her annual christmas choir performance in sac tonight!
2) cleaning my rooooooom!
3) experimenting with different types of biscottis... for the (future) in-laws!
4) the cold house (jk)
5) going home to see my family... maybe sunday night thru monday???

Love you girls mucho!!!!!! I hope each of you relaxes, enjoys time with loved ones, and eats lots of good food over this fabulous holiday.

Until the next blog,

Aerdna Ennovy

Thursday, December 16, 2010


you are all here!! But when you are not...write on this here blog!!