Monday, August 30, 2010

missing my blogtime

hillo. so i like to blog.  decided.  lets keep it up?!? even though i live with most of you.  im visiting with the sister and twins this weekend.  decided also that.... i fully enjoy being an aunt butttttt it will be several years(not to mention i will have to be in a relationship with a wonderful man....ya i am not planning on being a single mother. i just watched the back up plan with jeniffer lopez and she gets insemenated because she wants a baby so much but has not found the right man to procreate with.) b4 i want children of my own! yikes.  its the crying that gets to me.. it makes me cringe. 

on another note. who watched the emmys?   there were some funnnnny moments.  jimmy fallon hosted the night.  i think there needs to be more people like him in my life.  he is a funny guy(ya i have a crush). 

i am going to be reffereeeing this year.  i signed up for some games.  nice.  money.  saving it away for all the things i want to do.... which include but are not limited to:
EUROPE next summer, France with my sister and twins, buying a goat for someone, disney land, roadtrips, cofffee dates, movie dates,

ok, well that was fun.  now lets get down to bidness.

xxxxx ttal


Thursday, August 26, 2010

J's Fall Happenings.

Hello my dear roomies. First I must say that I love you and miss you all soooo much! So big updates on the life of Jenny. A few weeks ago I got an update from the Disney College program that I applied for in April. It said they had limited positions open and was I still interested. I said yes and we have been emailing back and fourth for the last couple weeks. I didn’t want to say anything in case it didn’t work out. I talked to a rep today and I accepted a position!!! Yippee! I cant believe this. I am going to be a vacation planner =) How cool is that? I leave on September 12th and I’m driving down there. I plan on coming up to ropo and staying the weekend of Labor Day so you better all be there!!! I realize that I am going to miss soooo much being gone for a few months and I’m sad about that but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I can’t pass up. You all better come visit me too because I have some free tickets!! Plan a road trip okay?? I know this isn’t exactly blog news but I wanted to tell you all at once and not leave anyone out.

Love love love you all,
xoxo J

Friday, August 13, 2010

What happened to summer?

Hello, girls!

I never thought I'd say this after semester number 6, but I think that I am ready and maybe slightly excited for school to start back up again. And not just because I want something to do... I'm excited to learn! Weird. Maybe it's just because we've had zero sun, and so therefore spring fever never set in. I bet I'd be brilliant if I lived in the Arctic. No sun = more focus for me.

My life hasn't been uber exciting as of late... Chris and I finally made our way down to his mom's new house, which has a pool and a ping pong table! Fun times were had, between the hilarity of his family, lots of delicious food, and a little more sun than we are used to in RoPo.

Chris turned 21 on Wednesday! He had training all day, so he didn't get to celebrate anything crazy-like, but I bought some champagne and shared it with him when he was done. He wasn't too crazy about it... go figure! I think we're gonna have to stick to Mike's hard lemonade with this boy. ;)

Carissa and I offically moved into our bedroom downstairs, and I'm really surprised by how much it looks like a bedroom. We found a curtain that reaches to the floor and almost to the ceiling that is the same color as our wall. I like it, but I am worried about the amount of noise that comes through those thin sheets. I guess we're gonna have to become heavy sleepers!

I've been running a looooot this summer, upping the amount I can do little by little- the most I've run at once was about 5 miles. I'm thinking about finding maybe a half marathon to sign up for... give me a goal to work towards- what do you girls think? Too ambitous? Crazy? I haven't decided yet.

Love love love all of you, and hope you are fantastic wherever you are! Thanks, Tali, for all the updates after I bugged you about it ;) heehee.

<3 Andrea

Thursday, August 12, 2010

tali's update

so i am back in new york city.  I %$%*@ love the city. I have learned this about myself this summer: that I am a city person------who loves nature and if ever i live in the city I would have to escape to areas with big fields and trees and the occasional horse and cow to recharge.  the city is so big with so many people and so diverse.  opposite of how i grew up.  I am thankful for the way i grew up in the wooooods but i am sooo drawn to urban life. so don't be surprised if in 1.5 yrs i split to san francisco or nyc.  
so i went up to marthas vineyard to volunteer at a God camp.  called FOCUS: its a camp for private school students.  my heart was not in it. and the first day i was there, i really pissed off this guy that works maintenance (i told him to shut his mouth, just joking, but he got so offended..... akward.... the next day he came to me and apologized... and i apologized...)  so i felt like i started off on the wrong foot... i laugh about it now tho.   marthas vineyard(in massachusets) is beautiful.  leaders and staff of FOCUS were nice.  there was a a cute german guy =) he made me swoon with his accent and he was super sweet and funny.
i am NOT ready for school work.  I am ready to be in the college environment.  just dreading classes.  
see you all soon.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Yellow daises.

Hey yall. It be Jenny!
Okay so I realize that I do not post as often as I should but I just have to opposite problem as Tal Tal. I dont have enough to write about during the week to post. My week usually includes work all day then the gym. My longest day is Fridays when I work 9am to 12am. Let me tell ya that is one looooong day. However, this whole nannying thing is showing me how much I want to be a stay at home mom at least when the kiddos are little. Also that being a stay at home mom is the hardest job in the world. It really is. On Saturdays I go to a networking thing in Danville and then work until late. Sundays is teaching 2nd grade Sunday School and usually doing something with the fam bam. I adore my class, they are such precious angels. One of my favs is a little girl named Madelyn (one of my future daughters names) and she holds my hand the whole time. She just melts my heart. I also attended “college group” (its by age so 18-25 year olds) for the first time last week at the church I have been going to and teaching Sunday School at- its called Golden Hills. It went well. Everyone was just really genuine and seemed to care about the people there. There was something so comforting about it that I haven’t felt at any other college groups before. It will probably shrink a lot once people go off to school and such in the next weeks so well see how it goes. My new philosophy is if i’m going to be home I mys well make the best of it. Make lemonades out of lemons as they say! God and I have been pretty tight these days so thats good. I just love Him! Thats all I think.

I miss you guys so much! I can’t wait til everyones back at school so I can come visit! =) Hope you are all doing fab-u-lous!

Love love love,