Thursday, August 26, 2010

J's Fall Happenings.

Hello my dear roomies. First I must say that I love you and miss you all soooo much! So big updates on the life of Jenny. A few weeks ago I got an update from the Disney College program that I applied for in April. It said they had limited positions open and was I still interested. I said yes and we have been emailing back and fourth for the last couple weeks. I didn’t want to say anything in case it didn’t work out. I talked to a rep today and I accepted a position!!! Yippee! I cant believe this. I am going to be a vacation planner =) How cool is that? I leave on September 12th and I’m driving down there. I plan on coming up to ropo and staying the weekend of Labor Day so you better all be there!!! I realize that I am going to miss soooo much being gone for a few months and I’m sad about that but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I can’t pass up. You all better come visit me too because I have some free tickets!! Plan a road trip okay?? I know this isn’t exactly blog news but I wanted to tell you all at once and not leave anyone out.

Love love love you all,
xoxo J



  2. Jennnnn you are amazing! I am sooo tickled pink for you... a vacation planner!! That sounds so awesome. Means you'll be working with people which is what you're great at!! I love you jennypoo!!!

  3. excitement! so happpppy for you. and me. because i would really like to make a road trip to disney land. maybe around thanksgiving?!?!? we probs have a week off.
