Friday, August 13, 2010

What happened to summer?

Hello, girls!

I never thought I'd say this after semester number 6, but I think that I am ready and maybe slightly excited for school to start back up again. And not just because I want something to do... I'm excited to learn! Weird. Maybe it's just because we've had zero sun, and so therefore spring fever never set in. I bet I'd be brilliant if I lived in the Arctic. No sun = more focus for me.

My life hasn't been uber exciting as of late... Chris and I finally made our way down to his mom's new house, which has a pool and a ping pong table! Fun times were had, between the hilarity of his family, lots of delicious food, and a little more sun than we are used to in RoPo.

Chris turned 21 on Wednesday! He had training all day, so he didn't get to celebrate anything crazy-like, but I bought some champagne and shared it with him when he was done. He wasn't too crazy about it... go figure! I think we're gonna have to stick to Mike's hard lemonade with this boy. ;)

Carissa and I offically moved into our bedroom downstairs, and I'm really surprised by how much it looks like a bedroom. We found a curtain that reaches to the floor and almost to the ceiling that is the same color as our wall. I like it, but I am worried about the amount of noise that comes through those thin sheets. I guess we're gonna have to become heavy sleepers!

I've been running a looooot this summer, upping the amount I can do little by little- the most I've run at once was about 5 miles. I'm thinking about finding maybe a half marathon to sign up for... give me a goal to work towards- what do you girls think? Too ambitous? Crazy? I haven't decided yet.

Love love love all of you, and hope you are fantastic wherever you are! Thanks, Tali, for all the updates after I bugged you about it ;) heehee.

<3 Andrea

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