Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Yellow daises.

Hey yall. It be Jenny!
Okay so I realize that I do not post as often as I should but I just have to opposite problem as Tal Tal. I dont have enough to write about during the week to post. My week usually includes work all day then the gym. My longest day is Fridays when I work 9am to 12am. Let me tell ya that is one looooong day. However, this whole nannying thing is showing me how much I want to be a stay at home mom at least when the kiddos are little. Also that being a stay at home mom is the hardest job in the world. It really is. On Saturdays I go to a networking thing in Danville and then work until late. Sundays is teaching 2nd grade Sunday School and usually doing something with the fam bam. I adore my class, they are such precious angels. One of my favs is a little girl named Madelyn (one of my future daughters names) and she holds my hand the whole time. She just melts my heart. I also attended “college group” (its by age so 18-25 year olds) for the first time last week at the church I have been going to and teaching Sunday School at- its called Golden Hills. It went well. Everyone was just really genuine and seemed to care about the people there. There was something so comforting about it that I haven’t felt at any other college groups before. It will probably shrink a lot once people go off to school and such in the next weeks so well see how it goes. My new philosophy is if i’m going to be home I mys well make the best of it. Make lemonades out of lemons as they say! God and I have been pretty tight these days so thats good. I just love Him! Thats all I think.

I miss you guys so much! I can’t wait til everyones back at school so I can come visit! =) Hope you are all doing fab-u-lous!

Love love love,

1 comment:

  1. Jenny bean i love you!!! I be seeing you in... 4 dayyyyys! Glad you and God are tight. ;)
