Friday, July 23, 2010

east coast

hiyaaaa! (that was ninja)

so i have confession: i check the blogg to read about you girls but i don't post often as andrea would like /: it's probably because i have so much to say. oh ya, i tried to post something last week and then the internet went alll buggy/crashed my post. good excuse ;)

1. jaimie is my sister now. we go walking together every day and we talk. she never had a sister, just brothers, and i am used to having an older sister, so it works. she is so cute! her and RJ are rediculous. i think you would like them.... when all the family is together it gets fun and loud and....sometimes inappropriate(depending on your definition of inappropriate)______complete with "that's what she said" in almost every conversation! i laugh so much.
2. the boys: OMG, the boys. spencer and jackson. let me tell you they are a handfull, i'm glad that i am the fun/cool/loving aunti and not the total nanny because i would be so tired. first of all, they are REALLY smart boys (spencer told me tonight that lightening is 10x hotter than the sun....altho i should check that____just doesn't sound right!). they go to this very prestigious all boys school in new york city and they have to wear coat and tie every day! what?!? along with the brains comes OVER the top sense of humor/wit and...dare i say, sarcasm :D my kind of boys! spencer asked his dad: "what would the naughtiest chihuaha do to you?" how do you respond________________________
they are so cute!!!!! i am in love love love! i feel at home because they

3. fishers island is offffff the hook. it's all about appearances(example: a lady would not be caught dead in the same outfit that she had worn already for the summer: which means you would need a shit load of clothes. another example: men wear PINK pants....hmmm i'll try to find a picture.... well i couldn't find a good picture but just envision it ladies.... pink pants blue blazer and loafer shoes with outrageous socks....ok wait here is an example of the fashion here on fishers: these are men pants =)

nannys RAISE the children of the wealthy families... one of the families, i have never seen the parents, just Freddi (the french nanny, who btw, is so funny and she runs their house, she's like their mom; drives them around, snuggles them, takes them swimming, to the doctor etc etc).
people here are very wealthy/rich. i mean they can afford a home on a frikkin island. (jaime and RJ are just renting tho.... they aren't rich! RJ is a minister so they are here for the summer to make connections with families.... basicly they want rich people to come to church..)

fishers island is a cute island, and soooo beautiful. seriously, i'm livin the dream here.

one thing that i tried to post last week is that it makes me so happy to read your posts and snippets of your life! until i can give you a fatty fat fat fat hug i'll be thinking about you.




  1. Ahhh! I wish I was there! Everything sounds wonderful! Plus i would really like to snatch up a guy wear pants so sexy that they aren't afraid to wear printed pants ;)

  2. Katie. Since when do the words "man" "printed pants" and "sexy" appear in the same sentence?

    hehe tali... thanks for the prompt response after my complaints. i misses you!
