Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I just wanted to give you a quick update on life in Oakland so far.  Thanks Katie,Jen and Steph for visitin last Sun!! It was sooooooooooooo amazing seein you ladies.Tali, Katie gave me a lil somethin from you, so thanks! :p.  I know you all would have been there if you could.  I love you girls.  Thanks for all the support!! This week I have had fourth graders come to my environment ed activity center this week.  It has been going well.  Thank you Jesus that I took ENSP 440 and ENSP 442!! They seem to be pretty receptive to all the games and stuff we are doing.  Today we are taking the kids to the pool and tonight we are meetin up w/ the large bayup grp for dinner and an art night of what we have experienced this summer.  On Fri. night we will be meeting up again and studying the book of Amos.  We will meet up again all Sat o finish the study up. There will be lots of coffee and food, so it will be a fun day.  I always love meeting up with the other teams too! On Sunday, we are going to St. Patrick's Catholic Church.  After that we will do laundry and we got invited to go and watch one of the interns at Harbor House basketball game.  Then we are going over to his house for dinner! Next week, I'll be teaching the 2nd and 3rd graders!! YAY!!! I love this.  It's like a dream come true!!! We are also  watchin movies/readin/ discussing some hard topics like racial reconcilation,poverty,immigration and trafficking.  It is heavy and hard, but I see where God is working in the issues.  So, that is comforting me.  I miss you all and hope you are having a relaxng summer!!
<3 Kelley

1 comment:

  1. This is SO encouraging and wonderful to hear that you are having such a great experience!! I am so proud of all of you, I know God will bless your hard work and willingness to learn! :) :)
