Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Life is a Highway!

Katie here! I haven't posted in a while!! I've been busy, which is a nice change of pace from sitting at home. So far no encounters this summer at the hospital ;) But I have been working hard. I'm still in my Art History class--BORING TO THE FIFTH DEGREE!! It's almost over, i'm literally counting the days, on the bright side we are doing Christian art so I get to look at funny pics of Jesus!
Oh, so last weekend (thursday through sunday) I was in Lake Tahoe with the fam. It was a nice time. I got alot of relaxing in. Read a book (btw a new must read from me is 'Her Mother's Hope" by Francine Rivers. I haven't even finished it, but I already love it!) The fam and i did the Heavenly Ski Lift, during which I had an ENCOUNTER!! Before you get your hopes up, it was with a chipmunk. That's right a chipmuck climbed on my shoe. My sister's friend got a picture of it. I'm trying to get a hold of the photo.
Other exciting news: I'm pretty seriously considering getting a tat! I don't know when I'll do it, but I'm working on finalizing the design. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Well, I gots to go. I'm off to Joe's to pick out some wine for a gift. Can't wait to see you girls soon!!!! --KT

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahaa LOVE the chipmunk encounter... although you make it sound like it was no big deal, I imagine that you were freakin out a little bit? I know I would have been!! I can't believe you are thinking of getting a tat! Ok, yes I can... I really hope it's a butterfly tramp stamp you're thinking of getting...
