Monday, July 12, 2010

Summertime Fun

Hello Lovely Ladies!

Its your girl J here. How has life been over here on this side of the pond you ask? Its been pretty great. Life is a beautiful thing. Ten things that have been going on in my life in the past few weeks...

1. Still babysitting lots of different kiddos. All super adorable and all tons of fun,

2. Went up to my Aunt and Uncles cabin for the 4th and spent time with no technology in the outdoors. Swimming, hiking, s'mores and home town jems such as parades and craft fairs.

3. Signed up to be a 2nd grade teacher for Sunday school and went for the first time this week. The kids are soooo cute and I will be assistant teacher to a girl named Candice until she goes back to school in August at which point I will be lead teacher. Its pretty perfect for me because I get to live out the teacher side of myself but only once a week.

4. Really being convicted through church talks as well as a few online sermans that Ms. Katie introduced me to.

5. Saw Eclipse aka the third Twilight movie- so the best one yet.

6. Been doing A LOT of reading.

7. Actually making progress on this whole “job” thing. Meeting more people through networking and social interactions. Hopefully this ultimately ends in a job.

8. My Stephy coming over for the weekend and doing many a fun things including...

9. Visiting Kelley and Chrissy! Who are doing awesome and I am so proud of you guys! It seems like such an amazing experience. =)

10. Enjoying the sun!

Miss you all!

x’s and o’s, Aneet


  1. aww this post makes me happy!! sounds like you are having a great summer :) wanna share the online sermons with me? -a


    I really like the 'this means war' selection
