Monday, July 5, 2010

Fireworks, Festivities, Food, Friends

Aftermath of fireworks is hazzzy!

man in cowboy hat... so funny

ice cream sammies

FFFFF! Heehee.

Why, hello ladies! It's been quite a while since this poor little blog has seen any activity! Share the love, girls! You must all have stories from the 4th of July?

On Thursday, Jenny came up to RoPo to see Twilight (I'm sure she'll share how that went) but also spent a little time with meeee! We went to the cotati farmer's market with alex teal before I had to lave for class, and then in the nighttime we watched HIMYM (which I am in love with now girls, btw). A fabulous start to an awesome weekend.

I was pretty bummed that I was going to have a lame weekend because I was supposed to work from 11-6:30 both Saturday and Sunday- so no family seeing for me! No bother, though- Alex Teal and I made impromptu plans to go out to Sebastopol for fireworks that night after work. They charged $8 to get into Analy high school, where they were shooting them off, but the live music, families, and awkwardly dancing moms and dads made every dollar worth it. The fireworks display was absolutely magnificent, and it was only made better by the all-american feeling marching band music blasted through the speakers. We ate ice cream sandwiches and hot dogs (my first one in like a year), but I believe the topper of the night was when awkward dancing middle-aged man walked like an egyptian with us and then told us that our dance moves were "so inspiring!"

On the fourth of July, Chris and I ended up at Alex F's house with Carissa and her two younger sibs. They ever-so graciously shared their tri-tip and mashed potatoes with us... MMM! As we were eating in the backyard, we could hear fireworks whizzing and screaming all around us. Alex had bought about $60 worth of fireworks, and so after dinner we made our way to the street to join the three families each making spectacles of their own. Chris noticed that there were a lot of fireworks going off in the park area across the street, and we ended up walking around for an hour just watching everyone else's fireworks. I have never seen so many fireworks from so many different families at once! There were illegal fireworks, the kind that shoot up really high and explode, going off like they were going out of style!! It was magnificent, magnificent.

So... fourth of july weekend, there you have it. Fireworks, Festivities, Food, and Friends. What more could I have wanted?

Hope you all are well and enjoying life where you are!


  1. Yeah!! One More for HIMYM! I have been meaning to come and visit you/return the first two season that i borrowed. I don't know when it will happen, cause i'm working all this week and sunday is visitors day at BayUp!! To think i was bored all of June and July is crazy busy!

  2. yay for working though! whose are they? HIMYM, that is?
