Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Life in Rainy RoPo

Only in RoPo, I believe, would it seriously be cloudy for an entire week during summer. Actually, I could be wrong, has it been gloomy where you all are as well?

I've been feeling slightly cooped up/antsy due to a combination of gloomy weather/working/living by myself... so I traveled to my home town on the spur-of-the-moment to see Julia, who was home from studying in Washington and going to leave again a day or two later. That girl is all over the place! All the time! We had a fabulous time although we had no agenda- caught up, made some dessert, played with her mom's baby kittens (three of them!!), and then in the morning made pancakes (we really like food... hehe) and she gave me a tour of her mom's olive oil processing room. They've lived on an olive orchard forever, but they just within the past year started using them for making their own olive oil to sell! I brought some home, it's good stuff. ;)

I'm getting lots of hours at the olive tree, but it's really slow- I had 5 tables last night during a 7 hour shift... bah! I decided I want to learn Spanish, though, because it's all the busboys and most of the chefs speak- it's so debilitating to not be able to speak a word of it if you live in Cali!

I now know how to make empanadas- so BEWARE! They are coming your way, this fall... ;)

Nathan Hatch has become my buddy this summer. We started running together a couple weeks ago, and after we run we have tea time, where we drink tea and have fun conversation! He's living by himself too, so it works out nicely.

I'm so glad to hear that they bayup girls are doing well! I'm really bummed I had to miss out, but I know they had plenty of visitors. :)

Love love love you girls!

andrea yvonne

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