Thursday, July 22, 2010

Final BayUPdate from Kelley #2

Dear Family and Friends,
            I hope this email is finding you well and that you are enjoying your not so sunny (at least in Oakland) summer.  The longer I am here the more deeply I fall in love with the kids at Harbor House and the community in Oakland.  I feel like I have become a part of their family and will be extremely sad when I finish up with the program in one week exactly :(.   It's a very bittersweet feeling b/c I can't wait to go home and see family, but at the same time I absolutely love it here.  Oakland has changed me in so many ways through the beautiful people I have encountered here.  I can't wait to come back home and share with you all that ways in which God is completely shattering my view of how I thought Oakland was- my stereotypes, fears and negative thoughts I previously had about Oakland.  Working with the kids at Harbor House has been one of the best experiences of my life.  I see the joy that the kids have in Jesus and their silliness gives me sooooooo much energy at the end of the day.  I love working for an organization that really fosters a safe place where the kids can just be kids and not have to worry about their safety or the brokeness in their home.  As I said in my previous message, I am the science/nature activity leader.  Last week, I was with 4th and 5th graders teaching them about the food chain by mostly playing games and doing activities.  This week I have a wide range of kids from k-3rd grade.  I am teaching them about water - anything from the 3 states of water to water conservation.  I am having a blast with them.  Tomorrow is when I will have them get nice & wet through some water games!! Yay!! Next week, my final week, I will have a group of k-1st graders where I will focus on the 5 senses through nature.  I will also have a group of 5-7th graders where we will be making easy & fun science experiments.  For every group, one day of the week I focus a discussion about littering(way way tooooo much trash on the streets) and what the kids can do to stop it. I then have them go around the block and pick up w/ gloves all the trash they can find.  After they bring the trash back, I have them make a collage with certain pieces of trash and make no littering signs.  The ones  done so far look great and the kids love the project.  Its such a blessing to wake up everyday and be extremely excited to come to Harbor House.  The kids make it all worth it!! I sometimes stuggle with them not listening or being mean to each other, but this summer has prepared me a lot for being a teacher in the future.  I get excited everyday that I know I am living out my God- given purpose and that I will be working with kids for the rest of my life.  I cannot thank you enough times for the prayers and/or the financial contributions that you have given me for this life changing trip to be a reality.  I miss you all and can't wait to talk to you soon about your summer as well as mine.  <3 Kelley Zaino

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