Friday, July 23, 2010

Tea and Homemade Peanut Buttah

Why are all my posts about food?

Hello pretty ladiessss!

I miss you. Oh, so dearly. And I must say that if I was a teacher, I would get out my ruler and slap some of you on the hands as punishment for not following the once a week update rule!! Forces me into obsessively checking this darn thing several times a day... hmmph... Alright, I'm not bitter, just a little bored.

But life is good! Here's what life since my last update has consisted of:

-lots and lots of tea
-enjoying the sunshine/enjoying my lack of obligations by walking to places I need to go rather than driving
-icecream sundaes at Sheri's with amanda vandigg
-discovering a mexican market that sells mexican food as well as any kind of pepper/spice i'd ever want if i wanted to cook with it... authentic, because the check girl told me my total in spanish
-making peanut butter from scratch
-jogging jogging jogging
-reading a fabulous book
-my cousin's WEDDING! (and let me tell you... i barely know her and was crying... now i know that i'm going to sob at my own/any of my close friends')
-meeting a man who actually works at a morgue... what do you say when someone tells you that? AWK
-eating homemade veggie lasagne with boyfriend
-HIMYM... i'm hopelessly addicted.
-missing my roommates...
-being excited because Katie is coming to visit this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

Alors... c'est tout pour le momente. (well... that's all for the moment)

Je vous aimez toujours!! (I love you always!!)

Andrea Yvonne


  1. ATY: i laughed out loud several times thinking about your akward encounter with the morge guy hahahahaahahahahahaha
    ?: when you shook his hand was it cold and clammy?

    SORRRRRRRY for not updating 1x/week. i do check it often.


  2. I'm here!!! Plus morgue story is funny!
