Wednesday, July 7, 2010

new york!

i am on an island... a very small island.
my days consist
1. waking up
2. taking S and J to camp
3. swimming at the pool/beach
4. making them food
5. eating food
6. playing with S and J (they are genius boys who are very cute)

so there's not a lot happening on this very small island but it is soooooooooooooo frickin beautiful here. there are people my age.... other nannys and tennis/sailing/golf/swimming instructors....

it is sooo different out here... details some other day about that. i don't really want to blog any more right now, but i have more to tell you about.

until then my pretty pumpkins.

xoxox, tals

1 comment:

  1. i misssss youuuuuuuuuuu... ps- used your french press to make some coffee this morning- O MY WOW so good!!
