Tuesday, June 29, 2010

tali shares a video.

Ok, so I have to share a hysterious video with you.....
so here goes:

my cousin showed it to me. classic.

if you find that one humorous. there are other videos by this chick

peace, love, blessings,

tali tal

Friday, June 25, 2010

Can I Have Ya Numba?: a cautionary tale

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gross!! The FUNNIEST thing just happened to me (actually two things, but one is WAY funnier)! Ok, so, I have been driving my bro's jeep today. I was driving back from the bank when:

1. I saw a hearse pull into the Mr. Pickles parking lot. Funny :)

2. So I pulled up to the intersection that is right by Mr. Pickles (it's on a corner). I had just missed the light so I was going to have to wait a full cycle for the light to be green. Sitting on the patio at Mr. Pickles was a group of guys. (side note: it is common practice that while driving a jeep, other jeep drivers wave at you/say hi). So one of the guys (not be racist, but it adds to the story, he was a black man) starts yelling "hi" ,"hey, how are you?", etc to me. At the time I was the only one at the intersection. To be a polite, i looked over and smiled at him briefly. But that only made things worse! He continued to yell "hey! It's me!" Now i'm pretty sure I don't know this man, so i don't respond. I just look out the corner of my eye to see what he was doing. But then...HE STARTS SERENADING ME!! Like saying things like " hey girl, you are so beautiful...yeah you girl!" At this point I just pretend like i don't notice. But he CONTINUES with "Girl, I want to get to know you, your so beautiful with your blonde hair". Ok this is getting freaky. I'm praying that the light will change soon. But he CONTINUES some more with, "girl, i think you are beautiful, even though i can't catch your eye". FINALLY the light changes and i start driving off, but not before i hear "good bye beautiful". I laughed the whole way home!!

In the 45 minutes since this event I have deemed this as a cautionary tale. Remember:

It can be potentially dangerous to be driving a jeep with no doors and stick shift. It can really be dangerous if you do that while wearing shorts, a tank top, have your hair down, and sunglasses on.

days of our lives-------T

so i watched DOOL today, and wow, unexpected emotions welled up and i almost shed a tear!
it was the funeral of an old lady and it was showing flashbacks, memories, etc because the lady (RIP francis reid) had been on the show for a while. anna and i surmised (did you see what i did there?) that they may cancel the show soon. *tear sob sob tear*

on another note. the sun is out, it is warm and I am going to enjoy spending the last day with oli and eden and anna and jon. i will miss them while i am gone for 6 weeks back east (ahhhhh, scream barf).

my mom is going to drive me to the aeropuerto tomorrow night. and my tio is going to pick me up on sunday morning in NYC. I had to tell my dad(who will be worried about me while I am back there) that I cannot be a baby forever. I have mixed feelings about what my dad thinks/feels because he rarely calls me, has never visited me in college and does not know you girls, and he doesn't worry about me in college.... he just doesn't feel comfortable that I am going back there by myself. my visit 'home', while entertaining at times, was uncomfortable too... why i no longer refer to it as home /: oy vay.


Me plus you!

At this very momment...I am eating...a grilled....wait for it... peanut butter, jelly, potato chip sandwich! Yes, it sounds gross but it is truly delectable.
So my life. I have done two bada$$ things this week.
Bada$$ momment #1: (which a few of you know about) SATURDAY EVENING: Messaged G to ask if we could go to church together (2000/8pm). Saw 'Killers" (2140/9:40pm). Came home, went to bed, told Jen about this (2355/11:55pm). Got text message from G containing details about his plans for church in morning (0025/12:25am). Freak out! (0035/12:35am) Reply to message in affirmative manner (0045/1245am). Continue Freaking Out (0046/1246am). SUNDAY MORNING: Leave for church (0850) realize that i forgot my Bible, turn around to get it (0900). Road Rage, because we are to meet at 0910 (0910). Recieve message saying that he is running late (0912). Meet at church (0920) Walk in quietly cause church has already begun (0923). AFTER SERVICE: meet people in surounding areas (1025). Introduced as "have you met Katie" or "this is Katie, we met at the hospital" (1040). meet a few or his friends(1045). deciding to leave because i don't want to over stay my welcome (1055).
*times are not exact and are used for dramatic purposes.
So yeah, that's the jist of what's happened. To be clear, while this is an exciting encounter, it is not a romantic one on my end. Of course it would be lovely if it was, but i have been doing some personal evaluation and have decided that a man-friend (cause i want a man not a boy) is not what i need at the momment (its a long story).
Bada$$ momment #2: it's not as exciting as the above. My bro is out of town (he went to so-cal with his friends). So I drove his Jeep yesterday to the store. Not very exciting, but I did it while wearing a skirt with high blow-up potential. It did not blow up, but I got a lot of looks.
Other than that, my life has consisted of movie watching, reading, attending my fart-history class (can you tell that I love it sooo much? (sarcasm)), answering the phone when tele-marketors call in my Karla voice, and random trips to various retail locations.
Miss you girls like CRAZY!!


That's what is happening to my eyeballs right now... they are leaking due to the laughter you girls (well, mostly jen and tali) caused me while reading the last two posts. I really don't know what I would do without all of you. My life would certainly have a lot less laughter in it.

I suppose I should update you on my life for real now since my last post was a silly song.

Highlights: the boyfriend and I went to see Toy Story 3 on Saturday night- andddd I hope that you all plan on seeing it, because it was AMAZING! I had high expectations because the Toy Story movies are huge in my family, as in I know all the lines to the first one, and it was probably the first movie I saw in theatres... but Pixar did it again (Jen!! get a job with them!!!!) and THIS time brought forth not only laughter, but more dramatic, edge-of-your-seat pull-on-your-heartstrings scenes that also pulled on my tear ducts and forced me to grab Chris' shoulder because I couldn't handle it!! It was good. Point in case.

I love my cooking classes. Sanitation and safety is kinda a snoozer (we learned how to wash our hands the other day) but I love Culinary Survey, which is taught by this lady who is an environmental freak and calls herself the veggie queen (http://www.theveggiequeen.com/)!! Then last night I had my first hands-on cooking class... which was entirely vegetarian, and we made a whole delectible meal and got to eat it!! Polenta and summer squash, kale and beet salad with a fried egg on top, sliced strawberrys with balsamic vinegar, and fruit cobbler... mmm!!

Today I spent time with the beautiful and fabulous bride-to-be Sarah Muscemeci. We talked all day about love and silly girly wedding details... and caught up on lives and God and next year also. Inbetween chats, we made our way to the new yogurt place next to safeway (which is not very great, sorry to report) and to knimble to check out the new clothes. Chris came over for a bit and the three of us lazed on the hammock for a good two hours.

Wednesday I had my first ridiculous waitressing night... which included a screaming chef and waitress (not me, the other one), people threatening to leave if they didn't have their food within two minutes, the other waitress threatening to leave in the middle of her shift and then actually doing it, me being by myself with a restaurant full of angry people that had been waiting 45 minutes for their food... it was baddddd. bad bad bad for the restaurant, bad for me, very embarassing. I still ended up with a lot of tips because people were really understanding and knew that I wasn't at fault, but it was really awful to be in a position where I was supposed to be helping all of these people and then knowing I couldn't do anything.

I miss you girls and love hearing all of your wonderful stories!! Love love love!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Midnight Antics.

Hello Lovely Ladies. Somehow I let me sisters talk me into doing a gangsta video to send to our friend Kayla, which turned into her posting it on her wall and tagging me.... haha so its pretty funny stuff. Even though they are insane!! I really do love those girls. =) xoxo J-Dawg

sagebrush,chickens,wild dogs, mosquitos, and stars

bock bock bakawww. thats what chickens say.

ok. so. my life: get ready get ready get ready. I am in bed listening to righteous brothers unchained melody. sheesh i'm so old fashioned :)

i was surmising who it belongs to while i was sitting at the park. i did not see the owner :(

ok then, this is great i was in starbucks with my girls and we were chatting for a while, then i went to go get a foamy, toasty warm latte. While i was in line, a guy came up behind me and I noticed him because he was really tall. he wore a striped shirt and had glasses and scraggly hair.... then I went to go sit back down in the chair that I had been sitting in. i was sitting for about one minute when the guy from the line popped up infront of me and said: 'exuse me'. i looked up at him and didn't say anything just stared at him.... for 5 seconds(which seemed like a long time). then I realized he was waiting for me to get up and get out of his chair. I looked around and he had his computer out on the table and was clearly set up there. I said, o my goodness. sorry I didn't realize you were sitting here. ok, but then I spilled some yogurt on his chair. so i said oh, i'll clean it up.... meanwhile, he was totally akward... we both went to the counter to get napkins but i got there before him so he didn't have to clean up my mess. then he said, 'you won't even let me do that after what you did.' so then we both walked back to the trash can and I said, 'sorry i swooped on your chair'. to that he said, ' yes well for that you will be burned'....

so i said, 'umm, it' s good thing I'm leaving town!' and then me and the girls just laughed real hard. wow. how did he swoop in on my spot while i was waiting in line??? is what i want to know. good thing i wasn't a total b%$^# about it. he was clearly, socially akward. bless him! he made my day.

another story: karina and I were out late one night and we were just sitting on the sidewalk, chatting, starwatching, etc etc. then we noticed a dog walking in the street toward us. I got nervous because it was a pit bull dog. it lowered it's head at us and didn't move when it noticed us. We got up slowly and we were wondering if it would attack. Immediatley I thought: great, i CANNOT go to the ER with a ripped up arm or leg...or worse. karina stayed calm and we waited until it sniffed us out and then it kept walking. It was creepy because (for obvious reasons), it was dark/streetlights were dim/ and nobody was around to help. eeek.

ok, and for all you who want to know where a chicken egg comes from(not which came first) the pic above. my brothers chickens. and they do make eggs. pop! they are funny creatures.

i might think of more to tell....but for now..... my eyes feel like they have sand in them.... and now I am listening to ROY orbison 'you got it'. swoon. alright sugarplumpy fairys. sleep well, eat well, be well,
susanville is a land of sagebrush. and the mosquitos are fierce there :/
ohand i watched a movie with the girls: strong victory. i reccommend.


Hi.  So there have been many things I have wanted to say to you girls.  But I was in a land for 3 days where wireless internet is not readily accessible.  This adventure deserves a post of its own, which will come soon( I have some pictures to go along with it muhahaha). 
On monday I drove big red beast up to my hometown, over a big mountain.  And now I am back at A&Js.  I stopped in to see my brother(and roxy and sassy) in Chico last night.  Quite good quite good.  But I have some packing/unpacking/repacking/laundry/coffeedrinking/showering to do so expect a post later today/tonight into the wee hours of the morning.  Because I stay up late these days.....
oh and I have to catch up on days....need some steeemy drama in my life ;)
xoxoxox, gossip girl

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Driving Miss. Olivia

Hello ya'll its your girl Jenny Jen Jen and she is typing from her very own MacBook Pro!! It's pretty beautiful and I am very happy with my purchase. Im glad that I waited because now I appreciate it so much more!! I can now use the comp without having it plugged in, it works at hyper speed and I have a web cam!! So if anyone wants to see my gorgeous face on skype, I think I can make it happen. =) Just keeeeding- sort of. I really would like to talk to you all!

Life has been good. I have been trying to take each day as it comes and not stress about finding a "real" job. The day will come, I know it, God has a plan for my life. Yesterday I babysat these two precious angels Olivia and Hayden (names of my future Children- just so you know! haha) Here is a pic of them riding around on an electric monster truck. I wanted one of these sooooo bad when I was younger but I never got one. I will probably buy one for my kids in order to live through them haha. Hayden was Scooby all day. Who couldn't love that face?? This boy will be a heartbreaker I tell you.

"Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again rejoice. Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember the Lord is coming soon. Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."

Love Love Love.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Words of wisdom...

So just try and relax, yeah cool it
Fall apart in my backyard'
Cause let me tell you something little britches
If you act like that bee acts, uh uh
You're working too hard

And don't spend your time lookin' around
For something you want that can't be found
When you find out you can live without it
And go along not thinkin' about it
I'll tell you something true

The bare necessities of life will come to you!!

That big ol' bear know what he's talking about :) love love loveeeeee!!

My life: waitressing. cooking. Toy Story 3. running. froyo.

That's my update!!!! happy father's day! Too bad none of you are fathers. (that i know of...)

This public service announcement brought to you by aerdna ennovy htabmert

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Greetings from San Diego

Hello my lovely ladies, ,
    I wonder if you are able to see the image of Liam blowing heart bubbles at you.  I don't know really the point to it.  Yahoo has stationery to choose from on emails.  It's cool, but very odd.  I wonder how you all are doing.   I hope well.  I am doing absolutely fabulous. I went to the Melting Pot restaurant Thursday night with my girlfriends.  They were having this amazing deal $20 for cheese, salad and chocolate.  The only thing that we didn't get was the meat, but I don't really care about that tho.  On Friday, my family and I went to the padres game. It was lots of fun , but so nerve racking ( all my nails were bitten off by the end of the night. Luckily, we won 3-2.  It was AMAZING. Today the family and I went to the zoo.The hippos by far were my favorite.  I drank my last margarita(my dad makes the best ones) tonight with dinner for 6 weeks! ahhh.... no alcohol!!! j/k Now, I am here sitting on my bedroom floor with my things packed for Bay UP.  It still hasn't hit me that I'm leaving yet even though I have been having hourly conversations with Hayward. :). I am excited to watch the summer unfold girls.  I know that God is going to work in amazing ways in our lives this summer girls.  I feel like sisterhood of the traveling pants except there are no pants.  I'm alexis bledel's character. I mean Greece and Greek Hottie to mack out with.  yes please... anyways, I should probably get to bed b/c my flight is in the morning...I love you ladies...write you next sunday(hopefully).

<3 Kelley

"Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.'' -Matthew 11:28

Friday, June 18, 2010

This is Chrissy and I am a woman

Hey Ladies! Sorry for the lack of writing...but I thought when we put this together we were only going to write once a week? Oh well, I can't update it in Oakland anyways, so I'm just preparing you for not writing! However I believe I can send out weekly emails, so be looking for those!!

But basically my life has been a lot of TV/ movie watching, sleeping, and friend get togethers...so not much has changed :) This week has been a bit different though. My Mom currently has been suffering from intense neck pains and can no longer drive for the time being...so I've been her new driver...It's been rough, but I figure I can only only drive her through tomorrow, so I've done my fair share...since Cathy will have to pick up the slack next week :)

One of the perks in driving my Mom has been helping her out at work. Every year for VBS, my Mom paints HUGE backdrops and paintings for the main assembly/skit! It's a rainforest/jungle theme, so my task this week was painting a cartoon style, life size alligator!! I'm quite proud of myself! It kept me busy to say the least!

NEXT>>>Oakland!! I'm packing all day tomorrow...so needless to say, my life is about to get crazy! So, I'm signing off...I'll put the address you can mail Kelley and I letters in the thread on fb

Love, Chrissy

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Status update: found bag of moldy oranges under chair in the kitchen!
Clues: in whole foods bag
Pointing finger at: ? heehee I love you girls :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I need some prayer...

So, as you may or may not know I was hired at Mt. Gilead to help clean every morning. I found out today that they don't want me to clean because I'm too fast so we get done earlier than planned. My boss hired more staff than he needed so I can't help out during rec either so I literally have no job this summer and am just walking around with nothing to do all day every day. This is driving me insane because (as you all will find out) I get very stir crazy when I know everyone else is working and I am not working. I need some prayers for my boss to figure out what do to with me this summer. If he can't think of anything for me to do I might just quit and go home because there is no point in me getting paid just to sit and do nothing.
Thank you all and hope your week is going great.
Oh and by the way my character for clue tonight is...
a pregnant lady in labor who keeps hearing voices
That should give you some laughs!

Monday, June 14, 2010

duck and cover

OK sooo the most exciting thing just happened in San Diego....there was another EARTHQUAKE!  I was in my bed reading and all of a sudden I was shaking! :D After I go into the kitchen and mom is under the desk with our dogs.  That was priceless.  Mom said that it was a 5.9 magnitude somewhere out in the desert.  I actually think earthquakes are fun, but I guess that's b/c I haven't been in a life threatening one.  Anyways, I miss you girls mucho.

<3 Kelley

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." - John 14:27

real life.

i thart that this wars funny. 
cheers, tali

As I threatened to do...

Mwahahaha. Sneaky little guy is hiding in the batter... but they came out SO GOOD! and SO cute thanks to jen's fabulous heart pan!

Guys with Afros and Grauuation Caps...

This is Katie, reporting live from graduation central. Well actually all of the festivities are over, so i guess it's just aftermath from graduation central :) Anyway, it's official my brother is no longer in high school and my sister is!!
It's been kinda hectic at my casa recently. My grandparents from WA arrived Wednesday afternoon. It's weird having them around cause they lived in Livermore for like 40 years and then moved to WA, so they are not all that interested in seeing the area.
Thursday was Amanda's promotion. We had a small family party before we left for the ceremony. A small party that included my sister getting a Wii. So since then we have been wii-ing (if that's a verb).

Friday was Mark's graduation. It was a very nice ceremony. The keynote speaker was the same teacher that gave the keynote speech at my graduation.
I saw a few people that i graduated with. Two girls with engagement rings (one is a Mormon, so i let it slide) and two other girls, who where stereotypical cheerleaders (snotty, bossy, etc), with beer guts. I have to say that I'm glad that I have chosen to live responsibly!
The real suprise came when we got home from the ceremony. My parents got Mark a motorcycle!!! It runs well, but he can still tinker around with it. In a few weeks he'll start the class to get a street license.
Yesterday (Sunday) we had an open house graduation party. My mom was a little stressed putting it all together, but it turned out very nice. We just fixed up our backyard, so even though it was really hot people sat outside. They were a good gathering of people to support Mark. After the party, we all just relaxed outside. It was a great evening. Pretty warm.
So today is life back to 'normal'. I start my summer class tonight :( I really hope it's not too terrible. It's art history. I've survived a lot worst. I'm just trying to be positive!
Well... I gots to go cause the grandparents are back from there outing. I miss you girls SO much! I hope you all have a super great week!
p.s. my computer almost kicked the bucket the other day. Like black screen for a few minutes. But the stupid thing came back from the dead. Seriously this thing is possessed because when it came back it started to play music!

Weekends and Waitressing

Girls. Reading these blogs makes me miss you all so much. I'm having a fabulous summer up here, but especially you all being gone makes me realize even more how lucky I am to have all you beautiful, talented, funny women as friends/roommates. Enough with the cheese. Deep breath, moving on.

Thursday marked my first time "going out"!! It was only northlight, and they only sold beer, and I only had one glass, so it was nothing crazy, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless. I went with a couple of friends from the frisbee team because they knew the guys playing in the band. Honestly, the band was nothing to write home about. They were one of those bands that tries to make up for what they lack by cranking the volume way up. They might have been good, but I wouldn't know because I couldn't hear the lyrics over the guitars! Ah, well. But I think I've determined that I'm probably going to be the type that drinks my alcohol in chill settings with just a few people- the best part of the night for me was getting to catch up with my friend Emily. I'm going to bring her over next year, you all would love her.

All weekend was waitressing waitressing waitressing for me! Well, to be exact, training still. I get the feeling that my managers really don't know what they are doing sometimes. Yesterday, for example, there were three full-fledged waitresses and two trainees on the floor, and there were only about 5 tables occupied! What? Sigh. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for business to get better so that he actually needs all the waitresses he has, and so that tips would be rockin'.

Despite my frustrations, I think I'm loving being a waitress, though. Who says that you have to be a missionary or work at a homeless shelter in order to serve people? That's my job-to make sure people feel welcomed, attended to, and happy. And I really get joy out of doing that for people. I've mentioned this before, but for whatever reason, we get a lot of elderly people and also regulars that come in by themsleves. People that just need a little extra love- and I get the feeling that the regulars that come in aren't coming back for just the food.

So far I like everyone that I work with, too. The cooks are all mexican, and really friendly and funny. The managers are always stressed out and sometimes grumpy, but in their moments where they are not, they're people-lovin' food-lovin' people. The waitresses are everything from sweet to sassy and charismatic, and there are some that have been waitressing as long as I've been alive and have oodles of experience to share with me. My favorite is a girl named Sarah who is 29 and plays competitive pool when she's not working! She also went partway through the culinary program at the jc and has been telling me a bit about that (classes start tuesday!!).

I'm bad at condensing... there's just so much to tell!! Hope that wasn't boring for y'all... aside from waitressing and northlight, I've been getting to spend SO much quality time with Chris it is ridiculous! We have dinner together almost every night, watch movies, play guitar and sing, make dessert (threw that one in there for free!! haha we made cookies last night.).

And with that, I think I shall leave you. The hammock in the backyard and a book is calling my name.

<3 Andrea

PS- katie... finished the last song. it nearly had me in tears in the end.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

cuse me can I talk to you for a minute?

Uhhh...ya..uhhh my name Kelley...It's spelled Kelley, but it's pronounced Kelly
I just wanted to let you know the back of yo head is redicalus...
soo listen ummm....

you know what is extremely redicalus is me having to take the CBEST(teacher test) this morning. I mean even though it was pretty easy, the fact that I had to use my brain during summer is quite lame. The good news is though tonight I am going over to a friend's house for a dinner and sleepover, so I am pumped about that. It will make up for my sucky day otherwise.

I still don't know about the internship yet (come on people). I got an email from them about their summer camp and for a split second I thought it might be something. No such luck...I need to be patient.

I've been reading lots lately...right now I'm into Accidentally on Purpose (its way different from the tv show, but still good) and A Credible Witness (for BAY UP) I can't get over how much I love reading them. Fabulous summer reads! I highly recommend them.

This week hasn't been too eventful, to be honest, I have just been very lazy...lounging which I guess is good considering the craziness of last semester.

Ladies, I love you all soo much. You are FABULOUS and don't tell yourself any different!

<3 Kelley

"Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Mt. Gilead. Your teeth are like a flock of sheep just shorn, coming up from the washing." -Song of Songs 4:1-2

(I happened to come across these verses this week and I thought they were quite interesting....if my lover said this to me I would not be able to refrain from laughing...I know it's different time period and all now, but my hair is like a goat...not the best pick up line ever. :p)

Day Off!!!

I get the day off today and slept well last night. Tali the top of your bed is amazingly comfy. Don't worry I didn't sleep in your bed, just on top of it! So today is my day off, for reals this time. (I was told I had yesterday off too but ended up having to work for a couple of hours...) DD and I are going to play the let's stay away from camp game because one of our co-workers totally has a crush on Danelle and it is really funny. (well for me anyways!)
We are currently watching one of the funniest shows ever called Haunted on Animal Planet. Let me explain, my family has this obsession (ocassionally) of watching shows about ghosts because they are absolutely, insanely funny. I stronly suggest them to anyone who wants a good laugh. People see blurs in photos and claim it's a ghost or an animal dies and they can't figure out why so of course a spirit came and killed the animal.  Whenever my family is on vacation or is relaxing we watch either shark week (for whatever reason we always seem to be on vacation during shark week) or we watch these haunted shows because they are sooooo funny.
Example, there is a lady with a mustache investigating a house claiming to see a man on a a haystack wearing overalls and suspenders saying that animals that are dying are goign to this farm because some other lady is like their angel of mercy and they are using the farm as a hospice or a transition from this life to another.  DD and I were dying of laughter because this lady has a full on mustache and "apparently" was told nothing about the case (which was animals dying spontaniously) and this mustached lady is just walking around the house claiming there is a "good vibe".  Best quote of the show so far, "when you say your house is haunted, people just call you crazy..."
Hopefully you guys got a laugh out of that because I sure did! Anywho, I can't decide what to do today, go to the beach, relax, or go walk around. DD and I are going to Olive Garden for unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks later so that will be awesome! Well, my invisible dog is barking at a wall so I have to go investigate if this house has a ghost.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Gilead.... so far

So while you were all harping on me to write something, I've been doing some crazy things.

For example, I killed a bunch of black widows with dust off and then walked back the next day to find that all these other spiders came in because they were no longer being killed by the black widows. It was a spider party. Literally.

Anywho, no one else on my team would man up enough to help me kill the spiders so robbie helped me out. Other than that I've been cleaning a lot. I did lots of cleaning up after the SSU IV group being there too. So basically, my life is cleaning at Gilead. It's fun though. Some of other workers have a crush on Danelle (my sister) and it's really funny!

- if you couldn't tell this is written by Carissa

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

tAli tAli tAli tAli tAli tAli tAli

well hello!
this is my sweetheart! let me tell you, she is so sweet and sassy. i love love love her.
I miss you. It's taking longer than i thought to get over our separation ;) hahahah.
my tummy hurts right now.
I tried to watch 'where the wild things are'. it confused me. I think I'll just stick to the book.
you know when you want to tell somebody something in a text message and you write the whole message out and then you decide that it's better to talk about it rather than text about it so you delete it before you send it.... ya that happened to me today :)
what else?
i made cookies..... i watch tv.... lay out in the sun...... don't shower as often as i should (tmi?)
if only i didn't have a dragon in my stomach right now /:
gotta go. peace, love, and blessings to you all from the good Lord. (that has to be a direct quote from 'Love's unending promise' series.)
like What. <--------- i speak in webdings now :)

poached eggs!

So work is being a tad frustrating and they're only letting me come in about three days a week. So, I figured I may as well be productive... so I've decided to become Inna Garten!! Boom boom boom boom... Just kidding. But I was inspired by hunger and a dozen eggs in the fridge this morning, so I read how-to and poached my very first eggs!

Oh my goodness, girls. I'd never eaten poached eggs before, and I don't know why it's taken me 21 years to get around to it. They were a lovely texture, slightly goopy and wet while still maintaining a nice shape enough to be held onto by a fork... you should have seen me, I was all giddy and excited while watching them turn from clear to white in the pan. :)
Poached eggs = success.
On another note (no pun intended)... GLEE!!! Who watched it? Such a great way to end the season.
Lots o love across the miles!

Hola, me llamo es Chrissy

Hey peeps, its yssirhc!

So I'm here...alive and somewhat crazy, jk, my life is just crazy! My summer vacation started out on a sad note however. The very day I came home, my family and I found out that Ray died. Ray was our very dear family friend, practically a grandfather figure. I feel weird because I haven't had a chance to grieve yet. He became sick the week before finals, so I never saw him in the hospital or anything. And there isn't going to be a memorial service...so I fear that there will be some sort of goodbye party for him while I'm in Oakland...but I suppose there is a time and place for everything. Death is a strange thing, it still feels like I can pick up the phone and call him. But anywho, the news somewhat stunted my ability to embrace the beginning of my summer. Life goes on though right? It has to.

So, I began by mostly sleeping, movie watching, eating, and catching up with friends. Cathy (sister) and I are now both out of school and she is mostly obsessed with her provisional license being up...aka, ridiculous shenanigans on her part ;)

Here are my movie reviews:
1. Prince of Persia: Jake is beautiful as always, story line is festive, others in the family didn't think much of it, but it held my interest
2. Sex and the City 2: Rather cheesy. The first one was a lot more fun...so wait for netflix on this one.
3. Young Victoria: It has that Emily Blunt girl from the Devil wears Prada...and was so good!!! It was PG, so it was very tame, and it told her story wonderfully. The precious love story didn't hurt either :)
4. UP: I watched it for the first time last week and it was suprisingly sad I thought. It had it's moments, but was overall pretty depressing for a disney/pixar movie.
5. Dear John: Oh brother...sparks strikes again! I actually was drawn more towards the story line of John and his dad. Him and the girl were rather bland I thought.

I hope to see the killers soon...so be waiting for my next review ;)

I have also been watching So You Think You Can Dance with my high school girls. Three of them were dancers in high school, so they give all their professional opinions on these people...but I just like to watch the goof balls! There was this one woman who has developed her own version of dance...the title of course having hick in the title...so over the top. She wears this frizzy, poofy hair in pig tails and flails around in these gosh awful short cut off jeans...of which she doesn't really have the body for. As we say, people are funny!

But the real excitement has been our visit from the Haywards! So my dad's Aunt Norma and her daughter Janet, Janet being my dad's cousin are here....this makes them my great aunt and second cousin. They are on a cross country road trip right now, all the way from New York! Janet is like five years older than my dad, and has been working the jewelry industry of Manhattan for years! Cathy and I were quizing her yesterday on all the people she has met or heard about. Appartently the Olson twins are hard to look at in person...their skinniness..., Keifer Southerland is short, Kate Moss is blah, Jessica Simpson is nice enough, Sarah Jessica Parker really does wear outlandish clothing like she does in Sex and the City...oh, and Janet's best friend is friends with Leonardo de Caprio! I guess he is tall in real life and wears a size XL shirt..tmi? I think not! And this friend of hers went to his house one time and one of his bathrooms is dedicated to Titanic props...like the sink area is all dramatic like the ocean or whatever!

Last night we even when out to dinner in China town at this place where I had so many new foods! Seriously, it was a bit overwhelming. The worst were the shrimp. Imagine being served a whole, all inclusive shrimp, fried. Head, veins and all. I literally had to break the head off! And same with the crab! We had fried crab legs, but the plate still had the crab's body on top...I went to go grab a leg, and it was looking at me! Ahhhh...the duck was good though...but not the oysters...too chewy and slimy. I guess we all get cultured at some point right?

It really is fun being around family. Aunt Norma is like 83 and needs a wheel chair for long distances. So yesterday we went to sf and we all took turns pushing her. She is just so funny! I think if she and I were the same age, we would have been friends! She has the same sense of humor as us...you know, saying things like, oh yes, hmmm, ok goodbye...she does the eye roll, makes faces, the whole bit. It's too fun! But I should get ready for the day and hangout with the family, this is their last day and they leave in the morning...until next time!

PS, I have a request. Can you put your name at the top when you post something so I know who it is? Kthanks!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

California Gurls !!

Sun-burnt skin, cool towels on top!--I don't even know how it happened (cause i was wearing super sunscreen) but i toasted my legs at Jen's party. There are still an bright shade of pink. And i have five (count em) five bug bites!! Aghhhh!

Well enough about my woahs...I have had a pretty relaxing week or so. Sleeping in, watch tons of HIMYM and just chilling around my house. Although I am getting a little antsy doing nothing. I haven't been working, cause nobody is really vacationing at the moment. LAME. Hopefully I'll start working soon or some great adventure will come along!

My g-rents from WA will be here tomorrow for graduation festivities. I'm sure that i will have to entertain them a little. But this weekend should be fun. My sister has 8th grade promotion on Thursday and Mark has his high school graduation on Friday. And then we have a grad party on Sunday afternoon. Busy, busy party planning is happening at my house.

Well, that should do it. I will now return to drinking my pink lemonade and relaxing.

Hope you all have a SUPER GREAT DAY!!!

p.s. i recommend Laser Cats (from SNL) as a video to be watched. Even for those who do not like cats, it's pretty dang funny!

Ice Cream Cones.

Why hello there pretty ladies,

It officially feels like summer! The weather finally got the memo and warmed up for us. Brentwood is as hot as ever but I am not complaining.

This week for me has included...

*My super fun grad party with people I love. Festivities= way too much yummy food, sinking paddle boat with 5 fabulous people, golf course walks at night and watching peoples play wii just dance was hilarious. =)

*Taking the kids I babysit (Luke and Lydia) swimming at the club in our town and them finding a dead rat in the pool and us evacuating- I saw the lifeguards take it out! Disgusting.

* NOT looking for a "real" job. I'm horrible I know. Please tell me something will fall out of the sky soon??

*Earning 110 dollars a day because I have been working from 10-9 everyday!

*Cute comment of the week= Luke- "Jen. Jen. JEEEEN! look at that baby wormy on the ground! We can't squish it with our bikes because God made it and He loves all his creation" =)

*Absolutely loving caring for little kids and wanting to be a mom! (Well that's not specific to this week but- you know)

*Today we are off to see Shrek The Final Chapter and eat at Melos for dinner.

ANNNND for the most exciting part... get ready for it... the suspense is killing you... Between graduation and babysitting I have saved up 1,700 hundred dollars. New Mac computer here I come.
Now don't pee yourselves with excitement. =)

Love to you all.
xoxo Neety

The Luke Man looking like some sort of blue
bearded bird with a cone beak? Curtesy of
BandR (Baskin Robbins)

Lydia-8 and Luke-5 being all adorable =)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer tidbits

These are my favorite things about summer so far:

1) pink champagne... shared with amanda and chris
2) Taboo... played with carissa and alex and the rec staff visiting from gilead
3) snickerdoodles... baked on a mat given to me by my fellow baking afficianado Jennnnnny
4) the number 22... which is one more than my age... also the number of dollars I made from my first time serving tables!!!
5) jury duty... and not having to go in this week! bahaha (jen, did you have to go?)
6) this blog... and all of you beautiful ladies who have or have not (cough carissa cough chrissy) written in it!!

Have a beautiful day, pretty women of maximillian. :)

Written by the girl sitting in the green gramma chair in the corner of the orange room of a large and rather empty-ish house...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

smooth as a baby's bottom

hello my sisters from other misters.
I miss you all a lot...It was weird being in the house without seeing the four of you(Jen,Katie,Tali and Hayward) plus I don't have a bed so that makes me feel a little bit like I don't live there yet. (Katie- your bed is really comfy.thanks). My last week has been super exciting with Journey and all. I manuscripted Mark like crazy,ate lots of food and slept. That pretty much sums it up. :). Then, on Thursday Miss Andrea came up to take me to my Environmental Discovery Center internship interview(what an absolute blessing) and I felt really good about it. I'll see though...the interviewer said I would know in 2 weeks or so if I got it...I'll keep you all updated. :D ekkk! Oh and I got a mega mosquito bite on my right cheek at Journey.meh. (extremely good looking abocrombie model in front of me on the plane while boarding..eat your heart out! sexy,huh?) Now, I'm home and it feels good. really good. I ate mexican food today. I'm going to the beach with my girls tomorrow. Glee finale on Tuesday! Yay summer...I've needed you sooo badly. Just in case you are wondering where the heck my title came from as I was about to start my post I felt my newly shaved legs.

<3 Kelley

Psalm 27:14
"Wait for the Lord;be strong and take heart and Wait for the Lord."

Friday, June 4, 2010

small triumphs = excitement in summer days

Ohhh I am so excited that we got this thang going! Y'all better write once a week- and for chrissy and kelley who will be outta the internet picture for 6 weeks- i dunno, maybe you should become jedi masters so that you can control a computer from the remote location of oakland...

I told Tali I'd try not to write a novel on here, I tend to do that...

Anyways! To catch you all up- my weekend in sacramento/home was wonderful. Chris' family was a hoot- his mom's sister (aunt) , sister's kids (cousins), and mom's parents (his grandparents) were all there! Pretty much, I see where Chris gets his charisma from. It was fun- we had "community music" after dinner- aka Chris' grandpa singing funny songs on his 12-string guitar outside while his grandma played piano with his mom, aunt, and cousin singing showtune accompaniment. Haha... I haven't watched enough musicals in my life, as I think I knew maybe 3 of the songs they were singing.

Then I traveled to my parent's new house- which has a stunning view of the hillside, but is pretty remote. Perfect for them, glad I no longer live there. On my birthday we went to appetizers/margaritas round lunch time, and then out to pizza/beer for dinner! It was great just to spend a little time with them- my brother even came home for the occasion.

So that would bring us to... this week, been back at the house, enjoying the company of kim and amanda. The title is in honor of a magnificent feat that Kim and I pulled off this morning: she had buried an old mattress in the back of her garage that she wanted to take home, so we climbed over boxes and tables and junk to get to it and SUCCESSFULLY got it out!! We were pretty stoked. Yes, small triumphs = major excitement.

So, what are your opinions on how long fruit is good for? I'm currently eating a pink lady apple that, if I might venture a guess, is two or three weeks old...

I tried to keep it short, promise!! Love you all ladies :)



at gmail.com.
what is up with this weather? One day it is sunny then the next day it's overcast, windy, blehhhh.
Ok, listen to this newish jam by Mike Posner: 'Cooler than Me'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq-nBujdb4I&feature=related

mellow, not really inappropriate :D but it's on the radio too much so it'll get old real quick.

So not to much going on with me.
1. I had dinner with Wes and Roxy (sassy is staying at a friend's house) last night.
2.I have my plane ticket to New York, and I have my return ticket. Leave June 26th and get back August 14th

I'll see you tomororow Jen, Katie, Chrissy....

until i see your face,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Post Grad

A wonderful pic of the Cardoza 5! They may drive me crazy but I love them soooo.

So do you like how I just refrenced post grad in the title... you know like the Rory Gilmore movie?? haha okay so anyway I really am a post grad!! It feels wierd and still hasn't really hit me yet. It was my little sisters eighth grade graduation today so that was fun. Can't believe she is that old! Even more wierd is that it was eight years ago that I was doing the very same thing. Time really does fly. This week has been pretty uneventful other than that. It was the fab Ms. Andreas birthday!! and I did a lovely rap/beatbox rendition of Happy Birthday for her. Oh the beautiful things in life. =)

I miss ya'll already!

xoxo times 560 and as Tal Tal would say- a sholder kiss for each of you!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Let's get this party started!!

Hey Ladies,
So i just went ahead and got this blog started. I'm sure that if we want to change things, we can.

Well, let's get down to business. Can we make it a "rule" that everybody contributes something a minimum of once a week? It doesn't have to be a novel, just share something that is going on in your life. Exciting or boring, share it!

I hope everyone's memorial day weekend was FAB...(wait for it)...ULOUS!!

Love, Love,