Saturday, June 12, 2010

cuse me can I talk to you for a minute?

Uhhh...ya..uhhh my name Kelley...It's spelled Kelley, but it's pronounced Kelly
I just wanted to let you know the back of yo head is redicalus...
soo listen ummm....

you know what is extremely redicalus is me having to take the CBEST(teacher test) this morning. I mean even though it was pretty easy, the fact that I had to use my brain during summer is quite lame. The good news is though tonight I am going over to a friend's house for a dinner and sleepover, so I am pumped about that. It will make up for my sucky day otherwise.

I still don't know about the internship yet (come on people). I got an email from them about their summer camp and for a split second I thought it might be something. No such luck...I need to be patient.

I've been reading lots lately...right now I'm into Accidentally on Purpose (its way different from the tv show, but still good) and A Credible Witness (for BAY UP) I can't get over how much I love reading them. Fabulous summer reads! I highly recommend them.

This week hasn't been too eventful, to be honest, I have just been very lazy...lounging which I guess is good considering the craziness of last semester.

Ladies, I love you all soo much. You are FABULOUS and don't tell yourself any different!

<3 Kelley

"Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Mt. Gilead. Your teeth are like a flock of sheep just shorn, coming up from the washing." -Song of Songs 4:1-2

(I happened to come across these verses this week and I thought they were quite interesting....if my lover said this to me I would not be able to refrain from laughing...I know it's different time period and all now, but my hair is like a goat...not the best pick up line ever. :p)


  1. 1. what part of accidentally on purpose are you reading?
    2.I TOTALLY got a new perspective on that verse after reading 'no sex in the city". I definetly recommend it! A great perspective on being in the V club and stuff and all of the struggles that go along with it.

  2. You WOULD put that bible verse in there KZ! Gross... I wouldn't be too stoked if Chris said something like that to me.

    Reading and relaxing is so good! Definitely do it while you can. :)

    And this is me dancing up and down for you since you're done with the CBEST.

