Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hola, me llamo es Chrissy

Hey peeps, its yssirhc!

So I'm here...alive and somewhat crazy, jk, my life is just crazy! My summer vacation started out on a sad note however. The very day I came home, my family and I found out that Ray died. Ray was our very dear family friend, practically a grandfather figure. I feel weird because I haven't had a chance to grieve yet. He became sick the week before finals, so I never saw him in the hospital or anything. And there isn't going to be a memorial I fear that there will be some sort of goodbye party for him while I'm in Oakland...but I suppose there is a time and place for everything. Death is a strange thing, it still feels like I can pick up the phone and call him. But anywho, the news somewhat stunted my ability to embrace the beginning of my summer. Life goes on though right? It has to.

So, I began by mostly sleeping, movie watching, eating, and catching up with friends. Cathy (sister) and I are now both out of school and she is mostly obsessed with her provisional license being up...aka, ridiculous shenanigans on her part ;)

Here are my movie reviews:
1. Prince of Persia: Jake is beautiful as always, story line is festive, others in the family didn't think much of it, but it held my interest
2. Sex and the City 2: Rather cheesy. The first one was a lot more wait for netflix on this one.
3. Young Victoria: It has that Emily Blunt girl from the Devil wears Prada...and was so good!!! It was PG, so it was very tame, and it told her story wonderfully. The precious love story didn't hurt either :)
4. UP: I watched it for the first time last week and it was suprisingly sad I thought. It had it's moments, but was overall pretty depressing for a disney/pixar movie.
5. Dear John: Oh brother...sparks strikes again! I actually was drawn more towards the story line of John and his dad. Him and the girl were rather bland I thought.

I hope to see the killers be waiting for my next review ;)

I have also been watching So You Think You Can Dance with my high school girls. Three of them were dancers in high school, so they give all their professional opinions on these people...but I just like to watch the goof balls! There was this one woman who has developed her own version of dance...the title of course having hick in the over the top. She wears this frizzy, poofy hair in pig tails and flails around in these gosh awful short cut off jeans...of which she doesn't really have the body for. As we say, people are funny!

But the real excitement has been our visit from the Haywards! So my dad's Aunt Norma and her daughter Janet, Janet being my dad's cousin are here....this makes them my great aunt and second cousin. They are on a cross country road trip right now, all the way from New York! Janet is like five years older than my dad, and has been working the jewelry industry of Manhattan for years! Cathy and I were quizing her yesterday on all the people she has met or heard about. Appartently the Olson twins are hard to look at in person...their skinniness..., Keifer Southerland is short, Kate Moss is blah, Jessica Simpson is nice enough, Sarah Jessica Parker really does wear outlandish clothing like she does in Sex and the City...oh, and Janet's best friend is friends with Leonardo de Caprio! I guess he is tall in real life and wears a size XL shirt..tmi? I think not! And this friend of hers went to his house one time and one of his bathrooms is dedicated to Titanic the sink area is all dramatic like the ocean or whatever!

Last night we even when out to dinner in China town at this place where I had so many new foods! Seriously, it was a bit overwhelming. The worst were the shrimp. Imagine being served a whole, all inclusive shrimp, fried. Head, veins and all. I literally had to break the head off! And same with the crab! We had fried crab legs, but the plate still had the crab's body on top...I went to go grab a leg, and it was looking at me! Ahhhh...the duck was good though...but not the oysters...too chewy and slimy. I guess we all get cultured at some point right?

It really is fun being around family. Aunt Norma is like 83 and needs a wheel chair for long distances. So yesterday we went to sf and we all took turns pushing her. She is just so funny! I think if she and I were the same age, we would have been friends! She has the same sense of humor as know, saying things like, oh yes, hmmm, ok goodbye...she does the eye roll, makes faces, the whole bit. It's too fun! But I should get ready for the day and hangout with the family, this is their last day and they leave in the morning...until next time!

PS, I have a request. Can you put your name at the top when you post something so I know who it is? Kthanks!!


  1. I'm not sure if Tali and I should carry out our toe-chopping threat, considering what a fabulous post this was. Oh, and extra props for giving me silent giggles over picturing your facial reactions to a dead fish looking at you while you attempt to eat it... oh boy oh boy. Sounds like you've had an amazing vacation minus the loss of your friend. Sorry about that- I definitely recall you mentioning him before. :(


  2. keep up on the movie reviews lady, I just put Sex and the City 2 on my netflix and now will not see it in theaters...

    Movies I want to watch this summer:
    Shrek Forever After
    Toy Story 3
    Ramona and Beezus
    Eat Love Pray
    Going the Distance

    We will see how many I actually watch
    I'm excited about them all tho..

  3. ok, instant netflik this one: neverwas. i liked it. also, drowning mona (DARK humor, good for a few laughs).

    thanks chrissy for the words.

  4. I like the reviews! I could just hear you speaking those words to me in person!!

    The wheels on the ZANIOBUS go round and round... okay sorry I couldn't resist. But anyway I really want to see Ramona and Beezus too! Saw Shrek 4 with the kiddos the other day. I would wait for Netflix on that one. It was okay. It defenitly wasn't as good as the others. It was basically a constant fight throughout the whole plot.

    Anywho love you chicka
