Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Driving Miss. Olivia

Hello ya'll its your girl Jenny Jen Jen and she is typing from her very own MacBook Pro!! It's pretty beautiful and I am very happy with my purchase. Im glad that I waited because now I appreciate it so much more!! I can now use the comp without having it plugged in, it works at hyper speed and I have a web cam!! So if anyone wants to see my gorgeous face on skype, I think I can make it happen. =) Just keeeeding- sort of. I really would like to talk to you all!

Life has been good. I have been trying to take each day as it comes and not stress about finding a "real" job. The day will come, I know it, God has a plan for my life. Yesterday I babysat these two precious angels Olivia and Hayden (names of my future Children- just so you know! haha) Here is a pic of them riding around on an electric monster truck. I wanted one of these sooooo bad when I was younger but I never got one. I will probably buy one for my kids in order to live through them haha. Hayden was Scooby all day. Who couldn't love that face?? This boy will be a heartbreaker I tell you.

"Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again rejoice. Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember the Lord is coming soon. Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."

Love Love Love.


  1. hahahaha scooby face melts my heart! your kids are going to be the most spoiled kids around jen... especially since you're going to be the first of all of us to have kids and WE'RE all going to spoil them!!

    and YAY for macbook!! i miss you sooo much jenny ahhhh... i'm glad you're enjoying your summer! thanks for the scripture, always a good reminder. :)

  2. jeeeen. i was scooby doo in highschool. nice.

  3. talliiii. hayden is obviously your soulmate minus 15 years!! you could wait a couple years and cougar it up! :)

    love, obnoxious

  4. a- i fully intend to be a cougar...i decided against the nunnery years ago.

    love, tiger

  5. haha oh Tal. You won't be joining me at the nunery then? and yes he is a babe!! =)
