Friday, June 11, 2010

Gilead.... so far

So while you were all harping on me to write something, I've been doing some crazy things.

For example, I killed a bunch of black widows with dust off and then walked back the next day to find that all these other spiders came in because they were no longer being killed by the black widows. It was a spider party. Literally.

Anywho, no one else on my team would man up enough to help me kill the spiders so robbie helped me out. Other than that I've been cleaning a lot. I did lots of cleaning up after the SSU IV group being there too. So basically, my life is cleaning at Gilead. It's fun though. Some of other workers have a crush on Danelle (my sister) and it's really funny!

- if you couldn't tell this is written by Carissa


  1. glad you like find cleaning fun. you are among a rare group of people. it's funny, just last night i told my sister, 'i made a mess in the kitchen' she said that's ok, cleaning is my stress relief :D

    i feel like there is a philosophical lesson about the black widows... hrmmmm.

    oh, and i heard that the SSU IV group is really messsy, like wow.... piggies. kids these days...

  2. Ew Ew Ew. I absolutely DETEST all insects. I would defenitly be one of the ones NOT hepling you out with that. Sorry!

    Haha Tal you wuld say that about the B Widows. =)
