Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer tidbits

These are my favorite things about summer so far:

1) pink champagne... shared with amanda and chris
2) Taboo... played with carissa and alex and the rec staff visiting from gilead
3) snickerdoodles... baked on a mat given to me by my fellow baking afficianado Jennnnnny
4) the number 22... which is one more than my age... also the number of dollars I made from my first time serving tables!!!
5) jury duty... and not having to go in this week! bahaha (jen, did you have to go?)
6) this blog... and all of you beautiful ladies who have or have not (cough carissa cough chrissy) written in it!!

Have a beautiful day, pretty women of maximillian. :)

Written by the girl sitting in the green gramma chair in the corner of the orange room of a large and rather empty-ish house...


  1. i like this post :D and chrissy should know that I am hired by andrea to do any and all toe chopping that needs to be carried out if she does not post in 22.5 hrs.

  2. Aww I like number 4. Another reason for you to like it- Me 22!!

    coco (that was supposed to be xoxo but I just decided to leave it- very fancy nancy sounding dont you think?)
