Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Post Grad

A wonderful pic of the Cardoza 5! They may drive me crazy but I love them soooo.

So do you like how I just refrenced post grad in the title... you know like the Rory Gilmore movie?? haha okay so anyway I really am a post grad!! It feels wierd and still hasn't really hit me yet. It was my little sisters eighth grade graduation today so that was fun. Can't believe she is that old! Even more wierd is that it was eight years ago that I was doing the very same thing. Time really does fly. This week has been pretty uneventful other than that. It was the fab Ms. Andreas birthday!! and I did a lovely rap/beatbox rendition of Happy Birthday for her. Oh the beautiful things in life. =)

I miss ya'll already!

xoxo times 560 and as Tal Tal would say- a sholder kiss for each of you!



  1. Ok. I didn't see post grad.... so i can't relate.

  2. um, good lookin' family jenny! the rap was amazing, can i just say one more time?! -a

  3. Jenny I miss you....sooo sad I couldn't come to your party today! :(
