Thursday, June 24, 2010

sagebrush,chickens,wild dogs, mosquitos, and stars

bock bock bakawww. thats what chickens say.

ok. so. my life: get ready get ready get ready. I am in bed listening to righteous brothers unchained melody. sheesh i'm so old fashioned :)

i was surmising who it belongs to while i was sitting at the park. i did not see the owner :(

ok then, this is great i was in starbucks with my girls and we were chatting for a while, then i went to go get a foamy, toasty warm latte. While i was in line, a guy came up behind me and I noticed him because he was really tall. he wore a striped shirt and had glasses and scraggly hair.... then I went to go sit back down in the chair that I had been sitting in. i was sitting for about one minute when the guy from the line popped up infront of me and said: 'exuse me'. i looked up at him and didn't say anything just stared at him.... for 5 seconds(which seemed like a long time). then I realized he was waiting for me to get up and get out of his chair. I looked around and he had his computer out on the table and was clearly set up there. I said, o my goodness. sorry I didn't realize you were sitting here. ok, but then I spilled some yogurt on his chair. so i said oh, i'll clean it up.... meanwhile, he was totally akward... we both went to the counter to get napkins but i got there before him so he didn't have to clean up my mess. then he said, 'you won't even let me do that after what you did.' so then we both walked back to the trash can and I said, 'sorry i swooped on your chair'. to that he said, ' yes well for that you will be burned'....

so i said, 'umm, it' s good thing I'm leaving town!' and then me and the girls just laughed real hard. wow. how did he swoop in on my spot while i was waiting in line??? is what i want to know. good thing i wasn't a total b%$^# about it. he was clearly, socially akward. bless him! he made my day.

another story: karina and I were out late one night and we were just sitting on the sidewalk, chatting, starwatching, etc etc. then we noticed a dog walking in the street toward us. I got nervous because it was a pit bull dog. it lowered it's head at us and didn't move when it noticed us. We got up slowly and we were wondering if it would attack. Immediatley I thought: great, i CANNOT go to the ER with a ripped up arm or leg...or worse. karina stayed calm and we waited until it sniffed us out and then it kept walking. It was creepy because (for obvious reasons), it was dark/streetlights were dim/ and nobody was around to help. eeek.

ok, and for all you who want to know where a chicken egg comes from(not which came first) the pic above. my brothers chickens. and they do make eggs. pop! they are funny creatures.

i might think of more to tell....but for now..... my eyes feel like they have sand in them.... and now I am listening to ROY orbison 'you got it'. swoon. alright sugarplumpy fairys. sleep well, eat well, be well,
susanville is a land of sagebrush. and the mosquitos are fierce there :/
ohand i watched a movie with the girls: strong victory. i reccommend.


  1. I CANNOT stop laughing about the man in the s-bucks! TOO FUNNY!!

  2. omgoooooodness. katie i wish you were there.
