Saturday, June 19, 2010

Greetings from San Diego

Hello my lovely ladies, ,
    I wonder if you are able to see the image of Liam blowing heart bubbles at you.  I don't know really the point to it.  Yahoo has stationery to choose from on emails.  It's cool, but very odd.  I wonder how you all are doing.   I hope well.  I am doing absolutely fabulous. I went to the Melting Pot restaurant Thursday night with my girlfriends.  They were having this amazing deal $20 for cheese, salad and chocolate.  The only thing that we didn't get was the meat, but I don't really care about that tho.  On Friday, my family and I went to the padres game. It was lots of fun , but so nerve racking ( all my nails were bitten off by the end of the night. Luckily, we won 3-2.  It was AMAZING. Today the family and I went to the zoo.The hippos by far were my favorite.  I drank my last margarita(my dad makes the best ones) tonight with dinner for 6 weeks! ahhh.... no alcohol!!! j/k Now, I am here sitting on my bedroom floor with my things packed for Bay UP.  It still hasn't hit me that I'm leaving yet even though I have been having hourly conversations with Hayward. :). I am excited to watch the summer unfold girls.  I know that God is going to work in amazing ways in our lives this summer girls.  I feel like sisterhood of the traveling pants except there are no pants.  I'm alexis bledel's character. I mean Greece and Greek Hottie to mack out with.  yes please... anyways, I should probably get to bed b/c my flight is in the morning...I love you ladies...write you next sunday(hopefully).

<3 Kelley

"Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.'' -Matthew 11:28


  1. you WOULD manage to put the word "mack" in your post kelley. heehee.

  2. mack. hahahahaha. this is great.
    ok, now i will go blog/post.

