Friday, June 4, 2010

small triumphs = excitement in summer days

Ohhh I am so excited that we got this thang going! Y'all better write once a week- and for chrissy and kelley who will be outta the internet picture for 6 weeks- i dunno, maybe you should become jedi masters so that you can control a computer from the remote location of oakland...

I told Tali I'd try not to write a novel on here, I tend to do that...

Anyways! To catch you all up- my weekend in sacramento/home was wonderful. Chris' family was a hoot- his mom's sister (aunt) , sister's kids (cousins), and mom's parents (his grandparents) were all there! Pretty much, I see where Chris gets his charisma from. It was fun- we had "community music" after dinner- aka Chris' grandpa singing funny songs on his 12-string guitar outside while his grandma played piano with his mom, aunt, and cousin singing showtune accompaniment. Haha... I haven't watched enough musicals in my life, as I think I knew maybe 3 of the songs they were singing.

Then I traveled to my parent's new house- which has a stunning view of the hillside, but is pretty remote. Perfect for them, glad I no longer live there. On my birthday we went to appetizers/margaritas round lunch time, and then out to pizza/beer for dinner! It was great just to spend a little time with them- my brother even came home for the occasion.

So that would bring us to... this week, been back at the house, enjoying the company of kim and amanda. The title is in honor of a magnificent feat that Kim and I pulled off this morning: she had buried an old mattress in the back of her garage that she wanted to take home, so we climbed over boxes and tables and junk to get to it and SUCCESSFULLY got it out!! We were pretty stoked. Yes, small triumphs = major excitement.

So, what are your opinions on how long fruit is good for? I'm currently eating a pink lady apple that, if I might venture a guess, is two or three weeks old...

I tried to keep it short, promise!! Love you all ladies :)


1 comment:

  1. Ahh can't believe you met the whole fambam! Thats pretty exciting... I can't believe they are all jammin together- I feel like that is kind of abnormal but cute.

    My opinion on the fruit issue- I am pretty sure a two is okay- three is pushing it. =)
