Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I need some prayer...

So, as you may or may not know I was hired at Mt. Gilead to help clean every morning. I found out today that they don't want me to clean because I'm too fast so we get done earlier than planned. My boss hired more staff than he needed so I can't help out during rec either so I literally have no job this summer and am just walking around with nothing to do all day every day. This is driving me insane because (as you all will find out) I get very stir crazy when I know everyone else is working and I am not working. I need some prayers for my boss to figure out what do to with me this summer. If he can't think of anything for me to do I might just quit and go home because there is no point in me getting paid just to sit and do nothing.
Thank you all and hope your week is going great.
Oh and by the way my character for clue tonight is...
a pregnant lady in labor who keeps hearing voices
That should give you some laughs!


  1. oh and I gave Jesus a call for you and the job situation.

  2. hey anything new? you could become very good at twiddling your thumbs. it is hard to not have anything to do i bet. hope you good otherwise! i enjoy your posts :D

