Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ice Cream Cones.

Why hello there pretty ladies,

It officially feels like summer! The weather finally got the memo and warmed up for us. Brentwood is as hot as ever but I am not complaining.

This week for me has included...

*My super fun grad party with people I love. Festivities= way too much yummy food, sinking paddle boat with 5 fabulous people, golf course walks at night and watching peoples play wii just dance was hilarious. =)

*Taking the kids I babysit (Luke and Lydia) swimming at the club in our town and them finding a dead rat in the pool and us evacuating- I saw the lifeguards take it out! Disgusting.

* NOT looking for a "real" job. I'm horrible I know. Please tell me something will fall out of the sky soon??

*Earning 110 dollars a day because I have been working from 10-9 everyday!

*Cute comment of the week= Luke- "Jen. Jen. JEEEEN! look at that baby wormy on the ground! We can't squish it with our bikes because God made it and He loves all his creation" =)

*Absolutely loving caring for little kids and wanting to be a mom! (Well that's not specific to this week but- you know)

*Today we are off to see Shrek The Final Chapter and eat at Melos for dinner.

ANNNND for the most exciting part... get ready for it... the suspense is killing you... Between graduation and babysitting I have saved up 1,700 hundred dollars. New Mac computer here I come.
Now don't pee yourselves with excitement. =)

Love to you all.
xoxo Neety

The Luke Man looking like some sort of blue
bearded bird with a cone beak? Curtesy of
BandR (Baskin Robbins)

Lydia-8 and Luke-5 being all adorable =)


  1. why look for a real job when you can make that kind of money AND hang out with kids? sounds like you have it all. :) love the ice cream cone picture...

  2. JENNY
    I got really excited when I read you are getting a MAC!!! YEAHHH!! Luke and Lydia seem like great kids to babysit for...LUCKY....

    I will also be praying for you with all your job prospects. God has got you covered girl!

    miss you!

  3. lukey! that comment MELTED my heart. innosent/pure/unjaded heart of a little child!
    yum yum ice cream
    yay for MAC. one day i hope to be friends with MAC
    you are a shoe thief.

    xoxox tali

  4. Hey how did you know his nick name was Lukey?!? Because it so is! I shall get mac soonish and we skype with my web cam.

    muahaha i ate your shoes for breakfast
