Friday, June 25, 2010

Me plus you!

At this very momment...I am eating...a grilled....wait for it... peanut butter, jelly, potato chip sandwich! Yes, it sounds gross but it is truly delectable.
So my life. I have done two bada$$ things this week.
Bada$$ momment #1: (which a few of you know about) SATURDAY EVENING: Messaged G to ask if we could go to church together (2000/8pm). Saw 'Killers" (2140/9:40pm). Came home, went to bed, told Jen about this (2355/11:55pm). Got text message from G containing details about his plans for church in morning (0025/12:25am). Freak out! (0035/12:35am) Reply to message in affirmative manner (0045/1245am). Continue Freaking Out (0046/1246am). SUNDAY MORNING: Leave for church (0850) realize that i forgot my Bible, turn around to get it (0900). Road Rage, because we are to meet at 0910 (0910). Recieve message saying that he is running late (0912). Meet at church (0920) Walk in quietly cause church has already begun (0923). AFTER SERVICE: meet people in surounding areas (1025). Introduced as "have you met Katie" or "this is Katie, we met at the hospital" (1040). meet a few or his friends(1045). deciding to leave because i don't want to over stay my welcome (1055).
*times are not exact and are used for dramatic purposes.
So yeah, that's the jist of what's happened. To be clear, while this is an exciting encounter, it is not a romantic one on my end. Of course it would be lovely if it was, but i have been doing some personal evaluation and have decided that a man-friend (cause i want a man not a boy) is not what i need at the momment (its a long story).
Bada$$ momment #2: it's not as exciting as the above. My bro is out of town (he went to so-cal with his friends). So I drove his Jeep yesterday to the store. Not very exciting, but I did it while wearing a skirt with high blow-up potential. It did not blow up, but I got a lot of looks.
Other than that, my life has consisted of movie watching, reading, attending my fart-history class (can you tell that I love it sooo much? (sarcasm)), answering the phone when tele-marketors call in my Karla voice, and random trips to various retail locations.
Miss you girls like CRAZY!!


  1. Im gunna tell you 902983012839 tiiiiimes.*

    *number increased for dramatic affect.

  2. girl i love girl i love you*

    *said in my high pitched teenage boy voice.

