Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekends and Waitressing

Girls. Reading these blogs makes me miss you all so much. I'm having a fabulous summer up here, but especially you all being gone makes me realize even more how lucky I am to have all you beautiful, talented, funny women as friends/roommates. Enough with the cheese. Deep breath, moving on.

Thursday marked my first time "going out"!! It was only northlight, and they only sold beer, and I only had one glass, so it was nothing crazy, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless. I went with a couple of friends from the frisbee team because they knew the guys playing in the band. Honestly, the band was nothing to write home about. They were one of those bands that tries to make up for what they lack by cranking the volume way up. They might have been good, but I wouldn't know because I couldn't hear the lyrics over the guitars! Ah, well. But I think I've determined that I'm probably going to be the type that drinks my alcohol in chill settings with just a few people- the best part of the night for me was getting to catch up with my friend Emily. I'm going to bring her over next year, you all would love her.

All weekend was waitressing waitressing waitressing for me! Well, to be exact, training still. I get the feeling that my managers really don't know what they are doing sometimes. Yesterday, for example, there were three full-fledged waitresses and two trainees on the floor, and there were only about 5 tables occupied! What? Sigh. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for business to get better so that he actually needs all the waitresses he has, and so that tips would be rockin'.

Despite my frustrations, I think I'm loving being a waitress, though. Who says that you have to be a missionary or work at a homeless shelter in order to serve people? That's my job-to make sure people feel welcomed, attended to, and happy. And I really get joy out of doing that for people. I've mentioned this before, but for whatever reason, we get a lot of elderly people and also regulars that come in by themsleves. People that just need a little extra love- and I get the feeling that the regulars that come in aren't coming back for just the food.

So far I like everyone that I work with, too. The cooks are all mexican, and really friendly and funny. The managers are always stressed out and sometimes grumpy, but in their moments where they are not, they're people-lovin' food-lovin' people. The waitresses are everything from sweet to sassy and charismatic, and there are some that have been waitressing as long as I've been alive and have oodles of experience to share with me. My favorite is a girl named Sarah who is 29 and plays competitive pool when she's not working! She also went partway through the culinary program at the jc and has been telling me a bit about that (classes start tuesday!!).

I'm bad at condensing... there's just so much to tell!! Hope that wasn't boring for y'all... aside from waitressing and northlight, I've been getting to spend SO much quality time with Chris it is ridiculous! We have dinner together almost every night, watch movies, play guitar and sing, make dessert (threw that one in there for free!! haha we made cookies last night.).

And with that, I think I shall leave you. The hammock in the backyard and a book is calling my name.

<3 Andrea

PS- katie... finished the last song. it nearly had me in tears in the end.


  1. I know! It's sad, but good. That Nicholas Sparks sure knows what he's doing. Have you read 'a walk to remember'?

  2. This makes me happy that you're serving people =) Sorry it isn't as many hours as you want but at least its some. I'm so excited for you to start your cooking classes!
    ps. on the subject of chick-lit books.. one that i just read that was sweet and sad but good was The Last Summer of You and Me by Ann Brasheres (the lady who wrote all of the sisterhood of the traveling pants books.) I recommend it.
