Friday, June 25, 2010

Can I Have Ya Numba?: a cautionary tale

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gross!! The FUNNIEST thing just happened to me (actually two things, but one is WAY funnier)! Ok, so, I have been driving my bro's jeep today. I was driving back from the bank when:

1. I saw a hearse pull into the Mr. Pickles parking lot. Funny :)

2. So I pulled up to the intersection that is right by Mr. Pickles (it's on a corner). I had just missed the light so I was going to have to wait a full cycle for the light to be green. Sitting on the patio at Mr. Pickles was a group of guys. (side note: it is common practice that while driving a jeep, other jeep drivers wave at you/say hi). So one of the guys (not be racist, but it adds to the story, he was a black man) starts yelling "hi" ,"hey, how are you?", etc to me. At the time I was the only one at the intersection. To be a polite, i looked over and smiled at him briefly. But that only made things worse! He continued to yell "hey! It's me!" Now i'm pretty sure I don't know this man, so i don't respond. I just look out the corner of my eye to see what he was doing. But then...HE STARTS SERENADING ME!! Like saying things like " hey girl, you are so beautiful...yeah you girl!" At this point I just pretend like i don't notice. But he CONTINUES with "Girl, I want to get to know you, your so beautiful with your blonde hair". Ok this is getting freaky. I'm praying that the light will change soon. But he CONTINUES some more with, "girl, i think you are beautiful, even though i can't catch your eye". FINALLY the light changes and i start driving off, but not before i hear "good bye beautiful". I laughed the whole way home!!

In the 45 minutes since this event I have deemed this as a cautionary tale. Remember:

It can be potentially dangerous to be driving a jeep with no doors and stick shift. It can really be dangerous if you do that while wearing shorts, a tank top, have your hair down, and sunglasses on.


  1. Oops...I just realized that i didn't say who I am. It's Katie!

  2. this is AWESOME! i larrfed out loud. hey baby hey baby hey. i told my dad to get me a jeep;)
