Wednesday, June 9, 2010

poached eggs!

So work is being a tad frustrating and they're only letting me come in about three days a week. So, I figured I may as well be productive... so I've decided to become Inna Garten!! Boom boom boom boom... Just kidding. But I was inspired by hunger and a dozen eggs in the fridge this morning, so I read how-to and poached my very first eggs!

Oh my goodness, girls. I'd never eaten poached eggs before, and I don't know why it's taken me 21 years to get around to it. They were a lovely texture, slightly goopy and wet while still maintaining a nice shape enough to be held onto by a fork... you should have seen me, I was all giddy and excited while watching them turn from clear to white in the pan. :)
Poached eggs = success.
On another note (no pun intended)... GLEE!!! Who watched it? Such a great way to end the season.
Lots o love across the miles!


  1. Nice. Poached egg reminds me of my dad. goopy for sure.

    Glee: i ejoyed it! altho i would have enjoyed it more had I not been alone while watching it. I needed somebody to squeal with :(

  2. seriously... I felt weird without you girls while I was watching it, but really Finn...I love you to Rachel..really? sooo soon? you dated for like 2 seconds..that being said I think i might go watch it again b/c I've got all the time in the world now!

  3. haha yes... but they are in high school- hormones racing!

  4. ok but what if he had a brain aneurysm while singing and never got to tell her how he felt(hormones)...thus he says i love you :D

    i could really use a roommate hug or anyhug for that matter. seriously. miss you girls.

