Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day Off!!!

I get the day off today and slept well last night. Tali the top of your bed is amazingly comfy. Don't worry I didn't sleep in your bed, just on top of it! So today is my day off, for reals this time. (I was told I had yesterday off too but ended up having to work for a couple of hours...) DD and I are going to play the let's stay away from camp game because one of our co-workers totally has a crush on Danelle and it is really funny. (well for me anyways!)
We are currently watching one of the funniest shows ever called Haunted on Animal Planet. Let me explain, my family has this obsession (ocassionally) of watching shows about ghosts because they are absolutely, insanely funny. I stronly suggest them to anyone who wants a good laugh. People see blurs in photos and claim it's a ghost or an animal dies and they can't figure out why so of course a spirit came and killed the animal.  Whenever my family is on vacation or is relaxing we watch either shark week (for whatever reason we always seem to be on vacation during shark week) or we watch these haunted shows because they are sooooo funny.
Example, there is a lady with a mustache investigating a house claiming to see a man on a a haystack wearing overalls and suspenders saying that animals that are dying are goign to this farm because some other lady is like their angel of mercy and they are using the farm as a hospice or a transition from this life to another.  DD and I were dying of laughter because this lady has a full on mustache and "apparently" was told nothing about the case (which was animals dying spontaniously) and this mustached lady is just walking around the house claiming there is a "good vibe".  Best quote of the show so far, "when you say your house is haunted, people just call you crazy..."
Hopefully you guys got a laugh out of that because I sure did! Anywho, I can't decide what to do today, go to the beach, relax, or go walk around. DD and I are going to Olive Garden for unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks later so that will be awesome! Well, my invisible dog is barking at a wall so I have to go investigate if this house has a ghost.


  1. dad likes to watch those shows too!

  2. just the fact that the lady had a mustache makes me laugh!!

  3. Mustache lady... ohhh boy oh I did quite enjoy your exhuberant description of this. ;)

  4. excellent! carissa, you are not the first to sleep in my bed. know this: you can sleep in my bed whenever you want :)
    i enjoy laughing at people on tv. for example: i was watching the bachelorette:
    here's the scene: ali and kasey are on a date, they have just flown over new york city in a helicopoter and are now sitting at a park near the water's edge(the sun is setting and it's beautful). kasey is inspired by the moment and he begins to sing to ali..... an orginal song that he thought of on the spot. really cheesy and really off key /: so when he is done singing, ali does not say anything.... instead there is akward silence and then instead of crickets, seagulls fill the silence....
    laugh laugh laugh!
