Wednesday, June 9, 2010

tAli tAli tAli tAli tAli tAli tAli

well hello!
this is my sweetheart! let me tell you, she is so sweet and sassy. i love love love her.
I miss you. It's taking longer than i thought to get over our separation ;) hahahah.
my tummy hurts right now.
I tried to watch 'where the wild things are'. it confused me. I think I'll just stick to the book.
you know when you want to tell somebody something in a text message and you write the whole message out and then you decide that it's better to talk about it rather than text about it so you delete it before you send it.... ya that happened to me today :)
what else?
i made cookies..... i watch tv.... lay out in the sun...... don't shower as often as i should (tmi?)
if only i didn't have a dragon in my stomach right now /:
gotta go. peace, love, and blessings to you all from the good Lord. (that has to be a direct quote from 'Love's unending promise' series.)
like What. <--------- i speak in webdings now :)


  1. aw talikins. i wuv you and your webding craziness. and your lack of shower take-age. my tummy hurts too. probably because i boiled pinto beans for later (just like you!!) and ate some because they looked so yummy.

  2. ps. holy wow that baby has the biggest eyes i've ever seen!!

  3. Your post made me miss you. You and the babes are so beautiful.

    I love you.

    P.S. I like the quote from the love series!!!
