Friday, June 25, 2010


That's what is happening to my eyeballs right now... they are leaking due to the laughter you girls (well, mostly jen and tali) caused me while reading the last two posts. I really don't know what I would do without all of you. My life would certainly have a lot less laughter in it.

I suppose I should update you on my life for real now since my last post was a silly song.

Highlights: the boyfriend and I went to see Toy Story 3 on Saturday night- andddd I hope that you all plan on seeing it, because it was AMAZING! I had high expectations because the Toy Story movies are huge in my family, as in I know all the lines to the first one, and it was probably the first movie I saw in theatres... but Pixar did it again (Jen!! get a job with them!!!!) and THIS time brought forth not only laughter, but more dramatic, edge-of-your-seat pull-on-your-heartstrings scenes that also pulled on my tear ducts and forced me to grab Chris' shoulder because I couldn't handle it!! It was good. Point in case.

I love my cooking classes. Sanitation and safety is kinda a snoozer (we learned how to wash our hands the other day) but I love Culinary Survey, which is taught by this lady who is an environmental freak and calls herself the veggie queen (!! Then last night I had my first hands-on cooking class... which was entirely vegetarian, and we made a whole delectible meal and got to eat it!! Polenta and summer squash, kale and beet salad with a fried egg on top, sliced strawberrys with balsamic vinegar, and fruit cobbler... mmm!!

Today I spent time with the beautiful and fabulous bride-to-be Sarah Muscemeci. We talked all day about love and silly girly wedding details... and caught up on lives and God and next year also. Inbetween chats, we made our way to the new yogurt place next to safeway (which is not very great, sorry to report) and to knimble to check out the new clothes. Chris came over for a bit and the three of us lazed on the hammock for a good two hours.

Wednesday I had my first ridiculous waitressing night... which included a screaming chef and waitress (not me, the other one), people threatening to leave if they didn't have their food within two minutes, the other waitress threatening to leave in the middle of her shift and then actually doing it, me being by myself with a restaurant full of angry people that had been waiting 45 minutes for their food... it was baddddd. bad bad bad for the restaurant, bad for me, very embarassing. I still ended up with a lot of tips because people were really understanding and knew that I wasn't at fault, but it was really awful to be in a position where I was supposed to be helping all of these people and then knowing I couldn't do anything.

I miss you girls and love hearing all of your wonderful stories!! Love love love!



  1. i want to see toy story, real bad. and i did hear that it is a tear jerker.


  2. I know!! I want to work for them real bad! I balled at the premier =)
