Thursday, June 24, 2010

Midnight Antics.

Hello Lovely Ladies. Somehow I let me sisters talk me into doing a gangsta video to send to our friend Kayla, which turned into her posting it on her wall and tagging me.... haha so its pretty funny stuff. Even though they are insane!! I really do love those girls. =) xoxo J-Dawg


  1. 1. that medallion you have is off the chain.
    2. i need one.
    3. i laughed

    xoxo, la-a

  2. jen, i love you. but please don't go into the rapping business. hehehehehehehe

  3. T- I know right? The medallion adds that special touch. =) Its my sisters from winning the junior olympics haha.

    A- Thanks for the advice. I was contemplating it in case my degree doesn't pan out!! haha
