Thursday, June 24, 2010


Hi.  So there have been many things I have wanted to say to you girls.  But I was in a land for 3 days where wireless internet is not readily accessible.  This adventure deserves a post of its own, which will come soon( I have some pictures to go along with it muhahaha). 
On monday I drove big red beast up to my hometown, over a big mountain.  And now I am back at A&Js.  I stopped in to see my brother(and roxy and sassy) in Chico last night.  Quite good quite good.  But I have some packing/unpacking/repacking/laundry/coffeedrinking/showering to do so expect a post later today/tonight into the wee hours of the morning.  Because I stay up late these days.....
oh and I have to catch up on days....need some steeemy drama in my life ;)
xoxoxox, gossip girl


  1. ps- looked on the recordings on dvr the other day- and it was nothing but daysdaysdaysdaysdaysdaysdaysdays....... BARF!

  2. A-you can delete them, unless you have been watching them at 3:30am with a half-gallon of ice-cream ;)

    T-Do you recieve the love i sent you?
