Monday, June 14, 2010

Guys with Afros and Grauuation Caps...

This is Katie, reporting live from graduation central. Well actually all of the festivities are over, so i guess it's just aftermath from graduation central :) Anyway, it's official my brother is no longer in high school and my sister is!!
It's been kinda hectic at my casa recently. My grandparents from WA arrived Wednesday afternoon. It's weird having them around cause they lived in Livermore for like 40 years and then moved to WA, so they are not all that interested in seeing the area.
Thursday was Amanda's promotion. We had a small family party before we left for the ceremony. A small party that included my sister getting a Wii. So since then we have been wii-ing (if that's a verb).

Friday was Mark's graduation. It was a very nice ceremony. The keynote speaker was the same teacher that gave the keynote speech at my graduation.
I saw a few people that i graduated with. Two girls with engagement rings (one is a Mormon, so i let it slide) and two other girls, who where stereotypical cheerleaders (snotty, bossy, etc), with beer guts. I have to say that I'm glad that I have chosen to live responsibly!
The real suprise came when we got home from the ceremony. My parents got Mark a motorcycle!!! It runs well, but he can still tinker around with it. In a few weeks he'll start the class to get a street license.
Yesterday (Sunday) we had an open house graduation party. My mom was a little stressed putting it all together, but it turned out very nice. We just fixed up our backyard, so even though it was really hot people sat outside. They were a good gathering of people to support Mark. After the party, we all just relaxed outside. It was a great evening. Pretty warm.
So today is life back to 'normal'. I start my summer class tonight :( I really hope it's not too terrible. It's art history. I've survived a lot worst. I'm just trying to be positive!
Well... I gots to go cause the grandparents are back from there outing. I miss you girls SO much! I hope you all have a super great week!
p.s. my computer almost kicked the bucket the other day. Like black screen for a few minutes. But the stupid thing came back from the dead. Seriously this thing is possessed because when it came back it started to play music!


  1. Katie. I laughed out loud when I got to the part about your computer kicking the bucket. Why doesn't that thing just die already??!

  2. andrea here is where i got the afros thing...

  3. i don't know how i feel about that.

  4. seth myer: "you look different stefon"
    stefon: "i haven't slept in 4 days."

    i was wondering if she got the Wii. yay wii. do you have just dance???

