Saturday, June 5, 2010

smooth as a baby's bottom

hello my sisters from other misters.
I miss you all a lot...It was weird being in the house without seeing the four of you(Jen,Katie,Tali and Hayward) plus I don't have a bed so that makes me feel a little bit like I don't live there yet. (Katie- your bed is really comfy.thanks). My last week has been super exciting with Journey and all. I manuscripted Mark like crazy,ate lots of food and slept. That pretty much sums it up. :). Then, on Thursday Miss Andrea came up to take me to my Environmental Discovery Center internship interview(what an absolute blessing) and I felt really good about it. I'll see though...the interviewer said I would know in 2 weeks or so if I got it...I'll keep you all updated. :D ekkk! Oh and I got a mega mosquito bite on my right cheek at Journey.meh. (extremely good looking abocrombie model in front of me on the plane while your heart out! sexy,huh?) Now, I'm home and it feels good. really good. I ate mexican food today. I'm going to the beach with my girls tomorrow. Glee finale on Tuesday! Yay summer...I've needed you sooo badly. Just in case you are wondering where the heck my title came from as I was about to start my post I felt my newly shaved legs.

<3 Kelley

Psalm 27:14
"Wait for the Lord;be strong and take heart and Wait for the Lord."


  1. this is tali commenting
    1. i like how you call chrissy, hayward did not clarify what kind of cheek you got bit on
    3.yay for real mexican food, no burritos with rice filler
    4.THANKS FOR THE VERSE. much needed :D

  2. Kelley. I like your name aka the Zainobus- made me laugh. Not pee my pants laugh but giggle none the less. Yay for the internship interview! When shall you know?

    And last but not least... yay for patient waiting for Jesus! The story of my liiiiife. =)

  3. bahaha... yes, i also was wondering which cheek she was speaking of....................... ohhh boiiii

  4. Andrea and Tali-
    it was the cheek on my face sickos.:)
    I find out about the interview in a week & I'm glad my name make you chuckle. Two of my CSA friends started calling me that and say stuff like " Here comes the zaino bus" and it kinda just stuck.

  5. was that neylan and vince that said that? i feel like they would.

  6. hey, i like how we call jen, jenny. =)
    i really enjoy reading these posts!

    suchjoy i get.

  7. I like that you call me that too. You should feel very special because never in my 22 years of life have i liked being called that til now. Especially when Ms. Tal Tal says it.

    I miss you!!
