Friday, June 18, 2010

This is Chrissy and I am a woman

Hey Ladies! Sorry for the lack of writing...but I thought when we put this together we were only going to write once a week? Oh well, I can't update it in Oakland anyways, so I'm just preparing you for not writing! However I believe I can send out weekly emails, so be looking for those!!

But basically my life has been a lot of TV/ movie watching, sleeping, and friend get not much has changed :) This week has been a bit different though. My Mom currently has been suffering from intense neck pains and can no longer drive for the time I've been her new driver...It's been rough, but I figure I can only only drive her through tomorrow, so I've done my fair share...since Cathy will have to pick up the slack next week :)

One of the perks in driving my Mom has been helping her out at work. Every year for VBS, my Mom paints HUGE backdrops and paintings for the main assembly/skit! It's a rainforest/jungle theme, so my task this week was painting a cartoon style, life size alligator!! I'm quite proud of myself! It kept me busy to say the least!

NEXT>>>Oakland!! I'm packing all day needless to say, my life is about to get crazy! So, I'm signing off...I'll put the address you can mail Kelley and I letters in the thread on fb

Love, Chrissy

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