Tuesday, June 8, 2010

California Gurls !!

Sun-burnt skin, cool towels on top!--I don't even know how it happened (cause i was wearing super sunscreen) but i toasted my legs at Jen's party. There are still an bright shade of pink. And i have five (count em) five bug bites!! Aghhhh!

Well enough about my woahs...I have had a pretty relaxing week or so. Sleeping in, watch tons of HIMYM and just chilling around my house. Although I am getting a little antsy doing nothing. I haven't been working, cause nobody is really vacationing at the moment. LAME. Hopefully I'll start working soon or some great adventure will come along!

My g-rents from WA will be here tomorrow for graduation festivities. I'm sure that i will have to entertain them a little. But this weekend should be fun. My sister has 8th grade promotion on Thursday and Mark has his high school graduation on Friday. And then we have a grad party on Sunday afternoon. Busy, busy party planning is happening at my house.

Well, that should do it. I will now return to drinking my pink lemonade and relaxing.

Hope you all have a SUPER GREAT DAY!!!

p.s. i recommend Laser Cats (from SNL) as a video to be watched. Even for those who do not like cats, it's pretty dang funny!


  1. sun burnt skin so hot we'll make your eyes burn... haha so glad to hear about your life miss katie :) but what's HIMYM?

  2. How I Met Your Mother

  3. YAY HIMYM....my mom told me last night that she didn't like the show. I couldn't believe it....she said she thought Barney was crude and said the same thing over and over again which she didnt find funny...and she won't watch b/c ted and robin won't be together in the end. really mom really? I told her I could no longer call her my mother :)

    love you ladies... reading this makes me miss you even more!

    ps. KT what season/episode are you on?

  4. i want to be watching HIMYM. marathon days next semester. well maybe not marathon.
    any way, by now your family has arrived and settled in. i hope that all the festivities go well and without a hitch.

    was that a virgin(like a vir ir ir ir gin) pink lemonade ;)

    hugs and toots, tali
